Ocean eyes part 1

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Reiki P.O.V

At this point, nothing's coming together. Urghh this is retarded like everyone's here trying to come up with something except the two people who started this! Now that I think about it I probably should drag Nash's ass here...

I quickly made my way out of Nashi's room down the stairs. Once I arrived on the main floor I took a left towards the kitchen.

I walked in to only quickly back out of the room when I saw it was only Nash and Nova. Maybe I should listen in on what they're saying seems to be some romantic shit and I have nothing better to do. So, while I hid my body behind the wall, I peaked my head out to see what's happening.

"Sorry, I guess after the whole kiss, I didn't want your mom to be mad. And after I found out she was fine with it I guess I was just nervous about how we'd talk again. But I guess here we are." said Nova.

Is Nash worried about her being nervous around him?

"Why were you nervous?" asked Nash.

Nova said something inaudible from where I stood and they started making out. I brought my head back behind the wall and sulked.

I wish I found actual love.

They're so cute and happy ...

"I love you," said Nash.

Straight out of a fairytale...

"You don't have to say it until you feel it, but I just wanted to let you know," said Nash.

"Thank you, but know that I really really like you," said Nova

"Of course I know, either way, who wouldn't love this," replied Nash.

Glancing at the scene in the kitchen memories started coming back to me as my tears trickled down my face.


"Its okay...I'll be fine...he'll never find out!"

"Just know...I love you Reiki!"

"You'll never be alone!"


'But I'm alone again'

Ah shit, why am I thinking about her with her ocean eyes...it's useless to dwell on the past. Anyways I came down here with a purpose...

Getting Nash!

I quickly wiped away my tears and walked into the kitchen. Hearing my footsteps they turned around to see me leaning against the fridge.

"How long have you been there?" asked Nash worried that I saw them kiss yet again.

"I just walked in." I lied faking a face of confusion.

It's better they don't know I was here.

"Anyways, we're planning upstairs in Nashi's room and everyone wanted to know where you two were," I said leading them out the kitchen.

As we made our way through the hallway, I couldn't help it and turned around to see the couple holding hands and staring at each other lovingly.

I tried my best to mask my jealousy.

Right when we made it to the foot of the staircase, we heard a loud thud at the door followed by angry screaming.

"Nash Dragneel, I'm coming for you!, Open the door!"

Oh shit.

This is not a drill.

I turned around yet again to see Nash and Nova but this time they looked a bit more terrified.

"Go upstairs to Nashi's room, hide and fill them in now! I whispered and they ran like no tomorrow up the stairs.

You might be wondering...

How is Reiki able to handle this situation so well?

Its because this is how I sneak girls out of the house when my mom comes home.

Don't judge me! At least my ass isn't reading fanfiction about people who don't even exist.

Now you may be wondering...

How did he break the fourth wall?

It's because I can and I will bitch.

Moving on, once I heard Nashi's door slam shut, I made my way towards the door.  Urgghh I hope I have enough energy left in me to deal with Uncle Laxus. I opened the door and Uncle Laxus came busting in knocking me to the ground. 

Her ocean eyes...

Third P.O.V 

"Laxus!" screamed Mira pointing in Reiki's direction. "Whatever," replied Laxus in a soft annoyed murmur.  "Hi, sweetie!" Mira greeted Reiki as she pulled him up. "Hey," replied Reiki before getting caught in her tight embrace. Laxus side-eyed them the whole time. 

"I don't get why you like this kid so much..." Laxus whispered to himself. Unfortunately for him, Mira heard everything. 

"What the fuck do you mean by 'this kid' Laxus!" screamed Mira in anger at his attitude.                                                       
"You don't know what this kid's done!" screamed Laxus in response. At the mention of these words, Reiki's fists became so tight that his palms started bleeding. Before Laxus could say anymore Reiki ran out the door.

"Laxus!, What the fuck are you talking about?" screamed Mira in response

"Something despicable... that bastard!" Laxus mumbled angrily before stomping out the door.

"Well, at least he won't be murdering my son tonight," said Lucy giving an exasperated sigh trying to ignore the scene that just played out.

"Lucy...what do you think happened? asked Mira her face drenched in concern.

"...I don't know either way...they both have some indescribable darkness and pain in their heart..." replied Lucy in deep thought.

All of a sudden Nashi came running down the stairs. Her expression worried before turning confused looking around the entrance.

"Where's Uncle Laxus and Reiki?" Nashi asked alarmed fearing that Reiki became a punching bag.

"It's irrelevant, anyways call everyone downstairs. Mira replied sternly.

"We need to ask you all a few questions about Reiki.


Wassup it's been a long time.. tbh o wasn't into anime for a bit so I print have interest in writing this story but I'm back into Fairytail again and this time I'll actually update!

- Younger author

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