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Storm immediately ran after Nashi, pushing everyone out the way as he realized his mistake. At this point, she hid in her locked room and Storm started aggressively banging on the door, yelling at her to open the door.

"Nashi... please open the door..." Storm finally said haven given up. As his back slide down the door, Nashi turned the knob and let him inside.

"Look, Nashi I was just joking like usual, those words were merely a punch line." Storm explained hesitantly once inside, closing the door behind him.

After he finished his statement, Nashi finally looked him in the eye.

"Everything's just a joke to you, isn't it? Do you ever think about how I feel? I'm so sorry that I'm not as intelligent as your highness. Did you always think I was nothing? If anything you're the dumb one expecting me to understand a situation of such complexity. After all, you seem to like to point this out every fuckin' day..." Nashi responded bitterly.

Storm was astonished, he never knew Nashi thought like this.

"Then what about before...all those times...?" Storm asked trembling. He realized all these years he's been destroying his chances with Nashi right before his eyes.

"I just went along with it...I mean most of the time it was honest. Until...I started liking you...and I thought 'damn he must really think I'm useless', it became worse when you started dating her.." 

"But, we broke up you know.."

"Ya, I know but you picked her over me. It's pretty obvious you don't like me so, can we just switch the topic?" replied Nashi as she got up from her position as she walked away.

However, Storm caught her by her shoulders before that could happen. His hands slowly made their way to her waist, he cradled her in his arms and nuzzled his face in her neck. He then lifted one hand from her waist to her hair and twirled it around in his fingers.

"Do you even know why I got with that bitch anyway? It was because of a certain red-haired idiot with a face tattoo. He told me that 'if I wanted to get with a girl who didn't like me back I should make her jealous to notice me'. I took this stupid joke for advice because I was desperate. Real' desperate for this girl...she had brown eyes, the worst jokes, and she smelled like lavender and vanilla 'cause of her shampoo..." he whispered flirtatiously into her ear.

"Why are you telling me this know how I feel-" Nashi started trying to break away from his grasp.

Storm then pulled her even closer and tightened his grasp.

"Oh, I forgot to mention how her dad wants to burn me alive, and how we've known each other since we were little and of course, her beautiful pink hair..." Storm replied, his attention consumed by the dragon slayer's hair.

He twirled it around in his fingers before diving back into her neck. His lips found the crook of her neck and did its work. He started kissing, sucking and even biting that one spot on her neck which earned a yelp from Nashi.

Before she could say something he was already at the doorway.

"Did you give me a hickey?" screamed Nashi. Coming to realize Storm's actions.

At this point, Storm was already out the door and making his way down the stairs.

"Sylvia, I need to get going. Can you go home with someone else?" asked Storm hurriedly.

"I guess I can go home with Rosemary," replied Sylvia absentmindedly.

After he figured his sister had a ride Storm was about to leave before Gale appeared in front of him.

"Can you drop me off somewhere?"



Reiki finally arrived at his house and luckily for him he had the key to the empty place. He placed the key into the hold and turned the knob to unlock.
Once inside he made his way for the fridge and grabbed all the beer he could find. Sadly for him, there were only three bottles left. He cracked a bottle open and went upstairs to his room.

He started packing all his necessities into a suspicious looking duffel bag. It was a challenge for him as he was far from a minimalist. He went from trying to 'disappear without a trace' to practically staging a robbery. He then took a long sip from the bottle grunting and made his way downstairs. He opened the door to leave and right before him, stood Gale and to his surprise - Storm.

"What're you guys doing here?" asked Reiki.

"Don't do this Reiki..."



"Where are you going? Rin, you have to meet the new recruits, tonight!" asked Violet. 

"I know, I just have some business to attend to. Don't worry babe, tonight you'll have me all to yourself..." replied Rin nonchalantly. He chuckled as he made his way to the door before Violet stopped him.

"I know that's a lie!" replied Violet turning her face away from him, saddened. He then harshly grabbed her chin and whispered in her ear.

"It's about time you've accepted reality, babe." 



"Gale, why are we here?" asked Storm.

"Because Reiki isn't who you think he is...he's a man full of lies. " replied Gale maintaining strong eye contact with Reiki.

At this point Reiki let them inside the house into the living room.

"Here," said Reiki passing both Storm and Gale a bottle of beer each.

"Oh, I don't drink!" responded Storm sheepishly after recollecting his past experiences with alcohol.

"Just fucking drink it, Storm." replied Gale shoving the bottle of beer in Storm's face.

Storm did as he was told.

"Look guys, I appreciate your company and all but I'm kinda' on a time limit right now." Reiki blurted out.

"You're going to Violet's house aren't you? ...Uncle Laxus must really know then." questioned Gale.

He was anxiously going through his hair with his hand.

"Ya, I mean I can't stay here if he exposes what happened..." replied Reiki exasperated.

"How do you think he found out?...Kai ?" asked Gale stressed.

Gale is usually a very monotone and calm guy, so for him to show this much emotion in one sitting was shocking to say the least.

"I highly doubt he'd go this far on someone else's words - even his son's." answered Reiki.

"What the fuck are you guys on about? Can someone explain already!" Storm yelled frustrated.

He was very upset for being out of the loop for once in his life.

"This is gonna be a long story, so come on a drive with me."


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