Part 1

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        Izaya's POV

            I looked over the crowd of humans entering the school and twisted my face into that of disgust. I hate humans the way they always make mistakes and are to easy to manipulate it's no fun. Then my eyes caught the gaze of someone. He had blonde hair and looked like he just got out of a fight. But it was his aura that interested me. It wasn't like a humans more like a....monsters. I smiled this will be fun.

Shizuo's POV

       I was simply walking to school when a group of thugs stopped me. I smiled sadistically and uprooted a sign. This is what I loved the most. Hearing their bones crack and them taking their last breaths. After they ran off I was a little disappointed all that happened was a few guys nicked me before running off. I sighed loudly before picking up my dropped bag and continued to go to school. I looked up and saw a raven haired male looking at me. But not with fear like most people but with some sort of fascination or curiosity. He seemed interesting I want to talk with him and I could somehow tell he felt the same.

3rd POV

       During school they could only think of the person that sickly fascinated them. And when school ended they found themselves face to face with each other. When they first saw each other in person it fascinated them when they saw the other up close. They didn't speak to the other till they were out of the school. "Why were you looking at me through the window?" Shizuo questioned. Izaya shrugged his shoulders before replying. "I was looking at everyone coming into the school and you stood out." "You have some sort of weird fascination with humans?" "Hell no I hate them I don't understand how they survived so long in all honesty." Izaya rolled his eyes. "You're different from everyone else most people run away from me the moment they see me." Shizuo said. "I wouldn't, you're fascinating to watch, most people you can tell what they're gonna do before they even know." "So in your eyes I'm not human?" "You're a monster." "Isn't that supposed to be an insult?" Shizuo questioned the male as they sat next to each other on a bench. "No way being called human is an insult if anything being called a monster should be taken as a compliment." Izaya chuckled. "What about you what do you consider yourself?" "Me? Hm never really thought about it but I definitely don't consider myself human." He spat out the word like it was venom.  "So you're basically a misanthrope?" "Basically." Izaya said. The two continued to talk liking the company of the other. When it became dark they exchanged phone numbers and went home to finish their homework.

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