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Blacksheep15/GREEN SNAKE 1

"Oh my god...oh my god...he's dead...HE'S DEAD!"
My father died and everyone is in shock. No one knows what to say. It was just a physical fight. It didn't have to be escalated to this level. No one's life was at risk.
Why was a gun involved?
Why was my father shot?
"Are you OK?" Keon asks me trying to get me off the ground.

AK pushes him away, "I got him. I'll take care of him. He's mine. You take care of your dude..."
Jamila is crying. Tear are rolling down her face. That isn't the worst of the reactions though. My mother is screaming. I've never heard such a scream like that in my life. She sounds like some sort of wild banshee, pulling at my father's bloody corpse wanting him to be alive but knowing damn well that he isn't alive. Across from her is my brother Joyous. He grabs the gun that was used to kill my father, but Joyous wasn't the shooter.

Joyous grabbed the gun from my brother Jamison.
Jamison killed my father.

"Why Jamison?" Keon is asking him.

Jamison is just shaking his head. He can't answer. Keon won't understand. He could see from the outside but I could see from the inside. I knew exactly why Jamison had killed my father. Jamison was never as strong as me. Jamison never could really face my father in the way that I could. Him killing my father was his way of finally taking a stand. After all those years of being bullied, he had built up to this moment.

And he just exploded.
He just let loose and my father's body was the end of it.

The club is emptying. This was the first night of the Marchioness and gunshots were fired. There is a panic downstairs unlike anything I've ever seen.

I look over at AK.
"You're good...look at me," AK tells me, "I got you. You hear me baby? You're good."
I nod at him weakly, but I don't believe it. I don't feel good. I feel like I was so close to having a successful night and everything was ruined. I was just picking up all the pieces of my life and someone had come to crush my dream into a million pieces. Now I didn't know where to start. Now I didn't know where to start to solve the puzzle.

I was back at ground zero.

I hear a slap. It's the strongest slap I've ever heard in my life.

My mother has slapped Jamison. The stinging slap is the deepest thing that I've ever heard before. I see Jamison's cheek damn near ring when my mother slaps him the way that she does. He doesn't expect it. It shakes the entire room.

Joyous points at Jamila, "Keep her quiet..."
Jamila grabs my mother and walks her out of the room. It's probably for the best to get her away from Jamison at that moment. Jamison is still staring at my father's body. He had snapped. I imagine that I could be Jamison. I could be the one realizing that I had just killed my own father.

I announce to the room as though it matters, "He was trying to protect me."
Truth was I didn't know how real it was. I wanted to hope that was the case. My father wasn't going to kill me though. He was going to maybe kick me a few times, drag his wife away and maybe sentence us all to a lifetime in hell. That's what my father's motto was. The fact that Jamison had pulled this trigger probably had so little to do with the fact that my father was attacking me.

"What are we going to do?" Keon asks.
"I need to get him out of here," Joyous responds.
I'm confused, "What the fuck are you talking about Joyous?"
"I need to get Jamison out of here before the cops show up."
"I'll do it," Keon responds.

"No disrespect but this is my brother. It's my responsibility..."
Keon argues right back with him, "It is disrespect Joyous. This has been my lover for the past fucking decade Joyous! FALL the fuck back!"
It's getting heated between Keon and Joyous. At that moment I swear I think Joyous is going to break his promise that he made me where he said he would never hurt Keon. At that moment I don't know if I'm more concerned with Joyous hurting Keon or Keon hurting Joyous though. Keon has this look in his eyes that lets me know that he's more than ready to fight in order to protect Jamison.

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