Chapter 5

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Jungkook's POV

Jihyo turned her phone of and say goodnight to me. I think she is embarrassed of what she has realized. Woah! I was happy that Jihyo became my best friend.

And I think tommorow is the day. But I think I'm not yet ready. Tommorow will be the day to take Jihyo in a date and ask her to be my Girlfriend.

And tommorow is my birthday. But I don't think she remember my birthday. If I want a birthday gift, I wanted to be Jihyo being my Girlfriend!

Nayeon's POV

Earlier in the morning

Like the other day, my sister teased me again about Chanyeol.

"Eek. My sister has a boyfriend" she said teasingly. I just rolled my eyes on her.

I went outside and talk to Chanyeol.

"Why are you here?" I asked him then he suddenly smirked at me and say "Wae? You don't like it?" I didn't replied to him but I just give him a death glare. "Well, you liked it, right?" He said while doing a creepy smile. "No, so just leave my house and go to school! I will just take the bus" I said with a low tone.

I was about to go to walk out but he hold my hand to stop me.

"Let go of me" I said with an angry and loud tone. "Shh! Please join me. Jebal! I'm so lonely everyday. I have no friends until I met you." He whisphered as he hugged me. "Fine" I said and rolled my eyes.

He opened the door for me. What a gentleman. If I had a boyfriend, I want it to be like him except very childish.

As we are in the car, it is very quiet, until I break the silence.

"So, about earlier, you said that you don't have any friends except for me. But you are the most handsome and rich in our school. Wae? Is something wrong?" I asked while not looking at him. "Aish! The next time you ask questions, you should look at the person who are you talking to and just ask one at the time!" He said with a smile.

Aish! This boy is so childish. So I just rolled my eyes again.

"So, what's your answer to my question?" I asked. "I was so shy(🎶 shy shy shy🎶) and you are the only person who talked to me so I talked back. I'm not the person who should start the conversation to the person I don't know" He said while very focused at driving.

At the school

Everybody was looking at us. Because Chanyeol is very famous in this school. Especially me because I'm the daughter of the principal. The girls are talking about me.

And I heard a girl saying "Wake up Nayeon. You and Chanyeol are don't look nice together!" Me and Chanyeol heard it. When I turned back and saw Lisa.

"Who are you to say that? Don't you konow that Nayeon is the daughter of the principal? Do you know what you are doing?" Chanyeol said as he defend me.

"And she is not my girlfriend. And if she is I'll be proud to be his boyfriend. I will be happy to be his boyfriend. Because she is smart, kind, beautiful and all a guy wants unlike you your mean!" He added.

Lisa's tear dropped and confessed.

"I love you Chanyeol-oppa! Why are you hurting me? She is not your girlfriend but I am!" She said as a tear dropped.

"First, stop being in our lives especially Nayeon's. Second stop calling me oppa and I don't love you. And third you are not my girlfriend and you will never be my girlfriend!" Chanyeol said.

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