Chapter 18

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Jihyo's POV

I open the door revealing V-oppa!

"Oppa! Why are you here? Don't you have school today?" I asked.

"I skip school" he said.

"Wae?" I asked.

Oh no! Don't tell me that he is skipping school just to take care of me

"Because, a school without my best friend is not complete" he explained.

"Ahh! Come in. Have you eaten already?" I asked.

"Why do you always ask?" He asked back.

"I'm just asking if you have eaten already" I said.

"Ahh, are you feeling better now?" He asked as he put his hands on my forehead.

We stare at each other but someone shouted. I know his voice.

"HEY" Jungkook shouted as he come out of the kitchen. He punched Taehyung.

"DONT TOUCH MY GIRLFRIEND LIKE THAT" he said. I help Taehyung to get up.

"JUNGKOOK! WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?!" I shouted at Jungkook once Taehyung stand.

"YOU ARE MY PROBLEM! DONT BE TOO CLOSE TO THAT JERK" He shouted. We started to tear up. Who is he to say something like that to Taehyung?



"Sorry Jihyo! I'm just jealous" he said in a low voice.


"SHUT UP! DON'T BRING SOMI HERE! DONT BRING MY SISTER HERE! DONT BRING JENNIE HERE TOO!" He shouted. I stayed silent all I done is cry. I walked out and go to my room.

"Jihyo wait!" Taehyung-oppa said and followed me.

I went to my room and shut the door loudly. I lay on my bed and cried.

Knock knock!

Taehyung-oppa probably knocked.

"Come *sobs* in" I sobbed. Oppa open the door and went in. He sat at the bed beside me.

"It's okay Jihyo! That's normal. You can't expect that you and Jungkook will not fight" he said trying to cheer me up.

"What's the point? We always fight but go back together again quickly but, I think we can't be together again" I said.

Taehyung lay at the bed beside me. He hugged me and I hugged him back. He rubbed my back causing me to sleep.

Jungkook's POV

This is the first time that we fight that we never get back again quickly. Thanks to hyung, this happened!

I go to Jihyo's room. The door is open. I peeked and I saw Jihyo sleeping in hyung's arms and hyung is rubbing her back.

I can't see them like this. This is also my fault. I shouldn't punched hyung in the first place. I shouldn't shout back at Jihyo.

I went the kitchen and just sleep in the table. I lay my head at the table and sleep.

Jihyo's POV

I woke up at V-oppa's arms. Just like I woke up earlier at Jungkook-oppa's arms. I notice that Taehyung is sleeping. I try to remove it carefully and got up from my bed.

I went to the kitchen to get some water. I saw Jungkook sleeping. I back-hugged him and he wake up.

Jungkook's POV

Someone wake me up. Someone back-hugged me. I know who is it. Is it Jihyo?

"Sorry oppa! I can't live without you. I can't live a day without seeing you face" she apologized.

"I'm sorry Jihyo! It's not your fault. I shouldn't punched hyung in the first place and I shouldn't shouted back at you. I'm sorry, Jagi~" I said.

We hugged each other. I hugged her tightly. But, we heard footsteps from upstairs so we broke the hug.

"Are you guys okay now?" Taehyung asked.

"Ne" Jihyo said.

"By the way, why did you came here?" I asked.

"I know that Jungkook will go here because Jihyo is sick, so I want to get Jihyo and I'll show Jungkook that im better than Jungkook" hyung said.

"What?!" I said.

"Nah Just kidding! I wanted to ask your help" he said.

"What is that?" Jihyo said.

"Can you help me with Sana?" He said. Our eyes widened.

"Jinja? You like her?" Jihyo said.

"No I don't like her that's why I am asking your help for her" he said sarcastically.

"But the one I am happy about is that hyung is over with Jihyo" I said.

"JUNGKOOK!" He shouted.

"Joke! The one that I am happy about is that Sana asked my help to get you" I explained.

"Jinja?" He said and his eyes widened.

"Let's make a plan for you two" I said.

"Any idea?" I asked.

"How about this? On Saturday, 6:00 pm, let's make a double date. If you want we can invite Jimin and Mina? And that's all" Jihyo said.

"My Jihyo is so smart" I said as I wrapped my arms on her.

"Okay so a double date with Mina and Jimin on Saurtday, 6:00 pm, is a go" Taehyung said.

"Okay so where are we going to?" Jihyo asked.

"Hmm... How about at Seoul Fancy Restaurant?" Taehyung asked.

"Is it expensive there?" Jihyo asked again.

"My parents own that so, we can eat whatever we want" he explained.

"You mean, it's free?" I asked.

"Yeah" he replied.

"Okay, so, I will pick Jihyo up while you pick Sana and Jimin pick Mina" I explained.

"Okay" they said. Just right timing. Jimin go home and he is with Mina.

"Hyung" me and V-hyung said in unison together with Jihyo.

"Oppa" Jihyo said.

"Mina" we said in unison.

"Wae?" Jimin and Mina said in unison.

"On Saturday, 6:00 pm at Seoul Fancy Restaurant will have a triple date and oppa will pick you up" Jihyo explained to Mina.

"Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah! Is it expensive there?" Jimin-hyung asked.

"I'm not gonna pay for it" he added.

"It's free because Taehyung owns it" I explained.

"Jinja?" Mina said.

"So Teahyung. You did not said that your rich" Jimin-hyung said. V-hyung just rolled his eyes at him.

"BTW, who's Taehyung's date?" Mina asked.

"Secret! You will found out who is it once we got there" Jihyo said.

To be continued...

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