08: Hordes Galore

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Jessica had woken before the sun was up. She didn't want to be in the house longer than necessary. The female, in a short time, had gone through the cupboards of the house, trying to find any food that she could carry. She found a measly amount. The owners must have taken what they could when they left or the house had been robbed. Seeing the events in her own town, she guessed it was the second option. The homes contents were thrown about rather carelessly after all. 

Still, a half loaf of bread was something. She had found it tucked away, unnoticed. It was hers now. No one could tell her 'no' and under the circumstances she was in, she had decided it was 'everyone for themselves'.

Stuffing a piece of bread in her mouth, she began to search through the contents in the kitchen drawers. She'd take anything she could. Batteries, flares, extra flash lights if need be. As long as she was prepared for the road ahead. 

When she'd gone through the house, thankfully manage to find a few useful things such as some gauze and medicine, she decided it was time to take off. There was enough light so she could see down the road (or whatever could be hiding nearby) and left the house. 

The process had been the same as before. She wheeled her bike away, got on the road, and started peddling. However, the familiar process she found, had come to change. 

She assumed it was around noon when she stopped to rest. The sun had risen high in the sky, making it warm but not terribly uncomfortable. She'd propped herself at the side of the road, leaning slightly against the bikes seat. Things had been quiet and she had yet to encounter another of the living dead. That fact surprised her. She wondered if the out break of sorts hadn't been as bad as she imagined. That was until the swift sound of paws hitting the concrete caught her attention. 

Her head shot up in the direction the noises were coming from. Her stomach lurched at the sight of two dogs, flesh hanging from their bones, sniffing about. Her heart picked up pace, pounding against her chest. She feared those house pets turned zombie would hear her heart beat but, like a deer caught in headlights, found herself unable to move. She wasn't even sure if it was a good idea to move at all. They could easily be attracted to movement. Starting on her bike might have encouraged them to give chase. Weighing her options, she moved her hand very slowly to grab for the handle bars, her eyes completely directed on the zombie dogs. 

That's when she saw it out of the corner of her eye. Zombies must of wandered from the woods and toward her. One lunged at her and she barely managed to jerk backward. A growl emitted from one of the dogs throats, alerting her of the danger she was now in. Quickly mounting the bike and nearly toppling over doing so, she quickly pushed off and peddled as hard she her legs would allow. The dogs gave chase, padding just behind her. For something that was dead, she was surprised at how fast the two animals were. 

Jaws snapped at her wheels. She yelped, trying to peddle faster but finding a lack of energy. Adrenalin only got one so far and she knew the majority of what she was feeling was simply panic. Her breath came in short gasps as she rounded a turn. But she gasped at what she was met with. Zombies upon the street she had come to. She weaved to the side of the road, the wheel of her bike skidding out. She and the bike tumbled down a hill. Her breath hitched, the wind knocked out of her as she laid on her back. Her limbs trembled and she felt her left side inflamed in pain. A quick glance confirmed she'd torn her arms up. Blood began trickling down her arm. She tried to cover the wound, hoping that would keep anything from being alerted to her presence. 

The dogs hadn't been torn from her trail. In fact, she figured she'd be easy picking now as she stared up at the two animals on the hill. She only wished for it to be quick though, she knew it might not be. Only managing to sit up, sucking in a sharp breath as she did so, she waited for the two to descend upon her. 

She was surprised however, when one yelped in pain and dropped onto the pavement. Jessica caught the crack of a gun shot echoing in the air, then another. The other dog turned it's attention, surprised by the death of it's companion. However, unable to react quick enough, it too fell victim to the hidden attacker. 

Jessica sat in shock, her eyes wide. She almost expected for her to be shot too, fall dead and left for whatever animal that was still alive. But as she sat, there were no further shots fired, no pain hit her aside from the throbbing pain from her fall. 

“Are you alright?”

She stiffened upon hearing the voice. In her state of panic, trying to come to terms with herself and the situation at hand, she had failed to realize someone might come up on her. 

“Are you okay?” The male asked again, though a little more firm and had raised his tone a bit. 

Jessica hands shakily balled into fists. Biting her bottom lip, she raised her head. She nodded briefly, confirming that she was fine even though she really wasn't. It was almost like a robotic answer – simply confirming because she was too surprised to find another out here – much less friendly. 

“Good to know.” Came his reply. “But you better get up and moving. I've left the other behind an-”

“Others?” Jessica cut the male off. 

She turned her head to look at him now. He was a well built man, dark brown hair slightly spiked. She took quick notice to the pistol strapped to his leg. He was also carrying a rifle; the same one that was used to kill the dogs. 

“You didn't think you were the only one?” He flashed a slight amused smile at the female's surprised expression. “Anyways, they're not far from here. Can you stand?”

Staring up at him, she weighed her options. She'd destroyed her bike skidding off the road and had little knowledge of self defense or use of weapons, even if she came across something. The only thing she had was book smarts and they weren't getting her far now. Sticking with this man and the other survivors was logically the best answer. She choose not to argue with it. 

So, she nodded and pushed herself to her feet – though, she was shaky while doing so. She tried to suppress a winch but failing to do so miserably. She knew the damage had been done. She'd walk on a limp for a while. But there was nothing she could do. She'd patch her leg up when she had a moment and try to deal with it. Now, she was simply concerned with meeting these other people, seeing their state, and hopefully, making it out alive. 

With a brief nod toward the male, the two set off. Pulling her bag a little closer to her should, she glanced back briefly and watched the walking dead on the street before trailing behind the man who'd chosen to save her.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2012 ⏰

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