Vecto fights in Ultra Hyper Hero Battle Mark I tournament

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My character Vecto is participating in a fighting tournament called Ultra Hyper Hero Battle Mark I that is organized by @NickUskoski (author of Sigma/Star). He will battle characters from other writers in a fight to the death (or destruction) in a virtual reality setting.

The rules are that I will write a fight scene with Vecto losing while my opponent will write a separate fight scene with my character winning. The audience will then have two days to vote for the winner. The character who wins will move on to the next round (not the author). This means that in order for Vecto to advance, you need to vote for the fight scenes created by my opponents! You can always comment on my fight scenes (please do) without it affecting the results. After the tournament is over, you are welcome to vote for my fight scenes if you like them.

The first match will be posted here by Aug. 6. Vecto will face Reiji from Brooding Guy, Quite Girl created by @thebloodedge.

You can see the lineup here: Links are in the comment section below, including where to find the rules of the tournament (which includes a list of contestants).

Remember: Vote for Vengeance, Vote for Vecto! Err, revenge is bad ....

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