Chapter 7 - Katana

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Chapter 7 – Katana

Knife throwing was in our fourth week. Tris was excellent. She was my motivation to beat her. I threw my daggers slowly and carefully. I pulled back with the blade between my middle and index finger.

Eric watched Al slip up. “That was pathetic,” Eric said. “It slipped,” Al muttered.

I threw another dagger. “Go get it,” Eric snapped. The next blade slipped from my fingers and hit the wood.

“Are you afraid?”

“Of air born knifes? Yes.”

“Everybody stop. Go stand in front of the board,” Eric said. As Al walked over, Eric beckoned for Four. He asked for his help. Eric instructed Al not to flinch or else he would be out. Just when I thought Eric was a nice guy.

“Orders are not optional,” Eric said. I spun the blade in my hand as I looked at Tris. She was in pain thinking about Al.

“Stop,” She finally said. I exhaled finally. “Anyone can stand in front of a target,” Tris said. “It doesn’t prove anything.”

Eric chuckled. “Looks like Kitty-Kat’s hero complex is spreading. Go take his place.”

I bit my tongue trying not to argue with Eric. Tris switched places with Al. He quietly thanked her.

Four threw the first dagger. “Come on, Four. You can do better,” Eric grinned. Four threw another dagger. Tris was tearing up. I couldn’t let her cry even further. She reminded me of when Cora would get scared. When she was younger, Cora would be terrified of being alone in the Fractionless area.

I scuffed my shoe against the floor. Tris looked directly at me. I pulled my hair back like Eric’s Mohawk.

“Take a little off the top,” Eric said. I mimicked Eric, rolling my eyes up. Tris huffed out a laugh. She rolled her eyes and focused on Four. He threw a dagger over her head and then another one which scratch her ear. “Points for bravery, Stiff, but not as many as you lost for opening your mouth,” He said.


Tris was in the infirmary for getting pummeled by Peter. He was taller and stronger than her. There was no way she could have won fairly.

She was devastated by the fact that she was out. “I can’t believe it,” She whispered. The Amity nurse injected me with a serum to give me a balanced diet I needed. “Don’t sweat it,” I said. I put on my jacket when the nurse finished.

“Don’t sweat it?” Tris mocked. “I could be Fractionless!”

I rolled my eyes and tossed her a jacket. “I meant not to worry as in the train doesn’t leave for ten full minutes,” I said. “If we run now we can make it.”

Tris looked at me in shock. I sat her up to tie her hair back. “Don’t make me punch some sense into you,” I said. Tris huffed out a laugh. “I thought you Amity people were sweet and loving.”

“Tough love,” I shrugged.

Tris and I sprinted after the train. “We’re not gonna make it,” She said. “Come on, stiff,” I laughed.

Four looked out of the train. He chuckled in disbelief. I pushed Tris onto the train as Four lifted her in. I swung inside and tumbled. As Tris friends greeted her, Eric made his way to her. I put my hand on Eric’s hard chest.

I stood by his shoulder and whispered in his ear. “If you take points away from her, you take points away from me,” I panted. Eric didn’t look at me.

When he got to Tris, he asked her who let her out. “Me,” She whispered. Eric turned back to me. I winked, letting him know if he wanted her out, he’d have to kick me out. “Okay,” Eric grinned.

Four walked to the center of the train cart. “The game is Capture the Flag,” He announced. “Weapons of choice,” Eric said. He held up a small gun which looked like a paintball weapon. “It’s loaded with neurodarts. It has the pain of a real gunshot that only lasts a few minutes. Two teams; Four and I are captains.”

“You pick first,” Four said. Eric grinned. “Edward.”

“I’ll take the stiff.”

“Picking the weak ones?” Eric chuckled. “Now I know who is going to make you lose. Peter.”

Four looked directly at me. “Do you want to kick his ass?” Four asked. I grinned and stood by Four. “I’m coming for you first, Kitty-Kat,” Eric smiled. I laughed. “I can spot your bald head from a mile away.”


Four instructed me to lead a small fragment of the group. I was with two other students. We travelled under the pier quietly. Ethan and Nick were behind me. Gunshots fired.

“Let’s move,” I ordered. We sprinted underneath the ground. I found the bottom of the light house. “You travel on the inside, I’ll climb from the outside,” I said. Ethan and Nick ran in from the bottom. I climbed the ladder from outside the pier.

Behind the lighthouse was silent. I could hear the waves crashing into the rotting wood. I put my gun in the back of my belt. I began climbing carefully. As I leaped to another side window, I could see Four shooting down Eric. I snickered; Eric shouldn’t have called us weak. I did a double take at Four, someone was sneaking up behind him.

I put my gun in my mouth. I undid my belt and used it as a zip line. I sped down the line. Before Four’s assassin could pull the trigger, I landed on him and shot him. Edward winced as I shot him in the heart.

“Edward,” I gasped. “If I’d known it was you, I wouldn’t have shot you.”

Edward clenched his fists and then chuckled. “You’re such an Amity.”

I heard cheering from my team. I turned around to see Tris waving the flag. Four helped me up. He shook my hand. “Thanks,” He said. I embraced Four. “I know we can’t talk about where we came from before, but my traditions will always remain the same,” I said. It was normal for an Amity to greet with a hug. Any other way would be a social deviance.

Eric walked over. “Why didn’t you get the flag?” He asked. “I saw you from the zip line. You would have beaten Tris to it.”

Four also looked at me. “I grew up with a girl from Abnegation,” I whispered. “She would never smile and when she did, she would always remember it.”

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