Chapter 10

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Austin's P.O.V.

After an agonizingly long day at school, I was impatiently standing out front waiting for Alan. He had been running through my mind all day, and I didn't really mind. I found him absolutely stunning. The way his eyes twitched a little when he was thinking, or his tiny, soft hands. I was head over heels with someone who barely even knows me.

I heard a quiet shuffling next to me, pulling me out of my thoughts to see the ginger standing be me. I smiled and turned to him.

"Hey! I didn't actually think you'd show up..."

Why would you say that, Austin.

"Well, I uh didn't want to bail.....again." He whispered the last part.

"It's okay." I forgave him a long time ago, "I guess we should get going."

I started towards my crappy, 03' Camry. Alan followed behind quietly. I whipped out my keys and unlocked it, squeezing my long legs into the driver seat. Alan slowly stepped in, probably afraid he would break this piece of shit. I threw my bag in the back seat and started up the engine.

"So Alan, whatcha been up to?" I asked, attempting to start a conversation.

Alan stayed silent,

"Yeah, well I guess you aren't one for talking." I but my lip and turned the corner.

Alan's P.O.V.

C'mon, Alan, say something.

"....Math was hard today."

Austin laughed, looking over to me. "Wow! Conversation has started!"

Austin kept talking to me throughout the car ride, even though it still seemed a bit one sided. When we arrived to his house, my nerves were coming back, my breathing speeding up a little with each second. Austin stood outside, in front of the dashboard. I pulled on the car handle, and shakily stepped outside. Austin smiled and grabbed my hand, leading me the house.

He stuck his keys in the door, turning back to me.

"Don't worry. My parents aren't home yet."

I nodded, trying not to show the relief I was feeling. We went up to his room, sitting on his bed. I awkwardly stared at the wall as Austin said he would soon be back.

What do I even do?

Alan, this is why you have no friends.

Austin walked back into the room carrying junk food, video games, movies, soda; I assume that's everything you need when you hang out.

He dumped everything beside me on the bed. I stared at his video games in awe. He had A LOT. I'm going to get about 60.

"So, uh, what do you want to play?"

"I, uh, how about this one?" I pulled out a random game, handing it to him.

He looked at it for a few seconds before smiling and walking to his Xbox. He slid the cd into place and grabbed two controllers, one was white, and one was black. As he walked back to the bed, I stared at the tv. The Xbox symbol showed up and immediately went to the game. I still didn't know what game we were playing. Austin moved the junk food to the side, sitting down beside me. He handed me the controller before pushing the button in the middle, which seemed to turn it on. I did the same, hoping he wouldn't notice how clueless I was when I came to video games.

What can I say, I'd rather read.

"So, you play FIFA too?" I panicked.

What do I say? That i don't play at all. Ugh

I nodded quickly, looking to the screen, which displayed a soccer player holding the ball.

"What's your favorite team?" Austin asked.

Oh shit.

"Uh....uhm the th-"

"It's okay. I knew you didn't play video games. I was just messing with you." Austin laughed, patting my back.

"Was it that obvious?" I laughed.

I laughed.

Oh my god what if he thinks it's annoying!

He'll hate me!

"Oh! Alan actually laughs!" Austin said, faking surprise.

"Look... I was a mistake!" I exclaimed.

He raised his eyebrows, confused.

"Why would it be a mistake? You're just laughing..."

"I'll uh me... And you....ugh... I don't know." I looked at my legs, avoiding the conversation.

" could someone" Austin whispered sadly.

He quickly snapped out of his sad curiosity and looked up to me. Austin smiled, obviously pretending it never happened. Picking up the controller, Austin started on the video game once again. I looked back up to the game too, surprised at how quickly the topic changed.

"Alan, me and you, best friends as of now, are going to do so much fun stuff together...that....that you won't have a single thought in your mind about how you look, act, or feel! You don't need that shit." 

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