Chapter 15:

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We walk into the house and head to our room.
I lay down on the bed and look at Lex whole he changes.
I sigh and he looks at me. "What?" Lex asks.
"Nothing, just admiring my amazing boyfriend," I say.
Lex starts laughing. "Am I really amazing?"
"Yes you are."
He climbs onto the bed and crawls up to me.
"I love you Sam." Lex leans down and kisses me. I kiss him back. "I love you to Lex." I say once I get the chance to. "Lex, look it's been a long day and I am getting tired."
"Ok." Lex kisses me once more and lays downs and turns the lights out. Once he turns the lights out he puts his arm around my waist. "Go to sleep love."
I smile when he says this and I close my eyes and fall asleep.

It's been two weeks since the incident and when me and Lex got back together. And during those two weeks me and Lex had some time to ourselves.
Me and Whitney are at the doctors office because the last few days I have been throwing up.
"Sam?" Whitney asks.
"Ya," I say.
"What do you think is wrong?"
"It's probably the flu Whitney ok so don't worry."
"Sam Fordman," a nurse calls from the doorway.
"Can you stay here Whitney?" I ask.
"Ya I guess," Whitney says.
"I will be back."
"I know."
I follow the nurse to a room. "So Ms. Fordman what seems to be the problem?" The nurse asks.
"I have been throwing up every morning the last few days," I say.
"Have you had sex let's say within the last week?"
"Do you mind if we do an ultrasound?"
"Don't mind at all."
"Ok I will be back with an ultrasound." The nurse leaves the room. After a few minutes the nurse comes back in with the ultrasound. "Can you get on the bed please?"
I get on the bed and lay down. Once I lay down I pull my shirt up so the nurse can put the gel on.
The nurse does what she needs to do to do the ultrasound and I look at the screen and see something.
"Is that one of my eggs?" I ask pointing at it.
The nurse looks at the screen. "Yes it is. Your pregnant Ms. Fordman," the nurse says.
The nurse then wipes the gel off and I put my shirt back down. I put my hands to my stomach and I feel happy on the inside. I can't wait to tell Lex.
I walk out to the front desk and give the man the papers I got. Once I am done I walk back over to Whitney.
"So, what's wrong?" Whitney asks.
"Your going to be an uncle," I say.
"Your pregnant?"
I shake my head. "Please don't get mad at Lex." I say as we are walking out to Whitney's truck.
"I won't get mad."
"Thank you."

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