14: You Get Back Together

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Scott: You stayed at Derek's with Isaac for a couple days till you both decided to go to school. Isaac went the other day and told Scott off so now Scott knew who and where you were staying. You arrived at school the next day with Isaac. Derek dropped you both off and made sure that Isaac be by your side this whole time. You walked into the school with Isaac and he brings you to your locker where everyone is watching you and you are ignoring everyone's stare. You open your locker to a stuffed animal, balloons with i'm sorry, a note saying i'm sorry it was a mistake I shouldn't have done it. I still love you Scott. You look at Isaac and he closes the locker and brings you to your first class you don't have this class with him but you do however have it with Scott and Stiles. Isaac: You can do this. Y/N: I don't know he seems really sad in there and that he's really sorry. Isaac: I meant that you can go in there talk about everything and forgive him and maybe get back together. Y/N: Okay i'll see you in our next class. Isaac: okay see you then. You walk in and sit next to Scott and he starts saying Stiles go away I don't want anyone sitting with me. Stiles: Scott i'm behind you been behind you this whole time I haven't moved to next to you you been turning around to talk to me about Y/N showing up. Scott: Then who's sitting next to me and he turns his head and looks and sees you. Scott: I didn't know you be back today. Y/N: I didn't know either but here I am and you both talk and you guys get back together but Kira isn't aloud around either of you too without anyone else with her.

Stiles: You stayed home with Derek for a couple days because you would get to school and see Malia and you would almost wolf out. Derek had to make you another anchor since your old anchor was Stiles. Derek made sure you had your anchor necklace with you at all times because that's the only thing that helped other than being around Cora. Once Derek thought you were ready to go back to school he sent you with your anchor necklace and made sure Cora watched your every move. You got inside the school and saw Malia near your locker trying to rip something off of it. Cora ran and stopped her before she got what she wanted. Cora: Fuck with her, her locker, or anything that's close to her you will be dealing with me so I advise you not to. Malia: Whatever and she walks away. You got to your locker and see a note Y/N i'm sorry for what happened she means nothing to me you mean everything to me I hope you can forgive me for the mistake and if you can't i totally understand. I just want you to know I still love you- Stiles. You turn around and see Stiles and you give him the note back and tell him you forgive him but that you want him to be with Scott or someone when it deals with Malia and he understands.

Liam: You stayed going to school but you avoided Liam and Hayden at all cost till Hayden pushed you into your locker telling you that you need to stop treating Liam like shit by ignoring him. You ignored her but you pushed her back and then Theo came in between because Theo knew you were still hurting and you hurt anyone that came close to you. Y/N: Theo I would move because she's asking for it because she's the reason i'm ignoring Liam. Hayden: It was one kiss and it was a mistake. I tried apologizing and so did he but you keep ignoring it. Y/N: I'm ignoring you two because if it was a true apology you wouldn't be still trying to get with him. Hayden: Well maybe I should be with him instead of you since he came to me. Y/N: He doesn't want you he's been apologizing and trying to get back with me and lets see you pushed me into my locker where there's a note and look ill open it. You open your locker to an i'm sorry balloon and and i'm sorry bear. Y/N: Just go away Hayden. Hayden walks away angry. Liam comes up so does this mean i'm forgiven? Y/N: You are and I will take you back but she's only around us with other friends and not by herself. Liam: Deal but the same with Theo. Y/N: Fine. You too then walk to class holding hands and sitting together just like before.

Derek: You been in San Diego for about a week with calls from everyone figuring out when you will be back and everything. You never told anyone but you don't know if you wanna go back to Beacon Hills. You were happy enjoying your life in San Diego with your old friends, family, and your old ex boyfriend Sam. You and your ex boyfriend Sam became close again when you went back and you even meet his new girlfriend. You were so happy for Sam. You were getting an incoming call on facetime from Scott while you were with your old friends, Sam, and his girlfriend. You answer hey Scott. Scott: Hi Y/N is this a bad time? Y/N: No why? Scott moves and shows Derek. Scott: Don't kill me he wouldn't leave me alone till he saw you and where you are. Y/N: I'm not going to kill you yet but I don't know why it matters you cheated on me anyway Derek. Derek: It matters because I still love you and I made a mistake. Y/N: Yes you did you let a girl in instead of your own girlfriend. Derek: I understand that now but we can work on it and fix things please just come back home. Sam and his girlfriend look at you with the look of its time. Y/N: Fine but we are working on us. Derek: Yes we will be together and working on us. Y/N: Okay i'll see you when I get home. Derek: I'll see you then. You drive back to Beacon Hills that night and you been hanging out with Derek figuring it all out.

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