9: There favorite thing about you

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Scott: His favorite thing about you is how carefree you are and how the pack things of you as the luna. You take good care of the pack.

Stiles: His favorite thing about you was how nice you were to everyone and how you became quick friends with Scott because you know how much Scott means to him

Derek: His favorite thing about you is that no matter how much people have hurt you you still go out there and help people and he likes that you're shorter then him. 

Isaac: His favorite thing about you is that no matter how angry you get or how angry people make you that you don't make a whole day of it and that you stay happy almost at all times. 

Liam: His favorite thing about you is how you don't care what people think about you.

Brett: His favorite thing about you is that you always wear a smile on your face even when you are in pain. 

Theo: His favorite thing about you is that even though you get scared easily and everything you are right there fighting with the pack. Yes you may be a banshee turned werewolf with your banshee scream still but you still get afraid.

Allison: Her favorite thing about you is how you are always protective no matter what.

Lydia: Her favorite thing about you is that you are so cute when you are angry but you don't think that you are cute when angry.

Kira: Here favorite thing about you is how you are able to use swords. You're family always taught you how to use guns, swords, etc. 

Cora: Her favorite things about you is how you go against peoples wishes to save people you care about and you will always do that because its the person you are 

Malia: Her favorite thing about you is how secretive you are when you help people because you don't want anyone to know and because you like being able to help people with out anyone knowing.

Hayden: Her favorite thing about you is how great you are with her family and friends. You been around since the sixth grade so being great with everyone was just one of your natural instincts.

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