Mr. Not so perfect

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“Do you Daniel McCaw take Amanda Norawits as your lawfully wedded wife?” the preist asked.

“I do.”  Daniel said. Crap now I have to say yes shoot.

“Do you Amanda Norawits take Daniel McCaw to be you lawfully wedded husband?”

I sigh “I do.” I said well its done I'm a married women.

“You may now kiss the bride.”

His kiss was the best kiss I ever had in my entire so I guess its not completely bad.”

The reception was horrible I was being introduced to his whole family and business peoples and he already knew all of mine. By the time we were done it was time to leave. I was so excited but then of course I had to listen to him the whole way home. His voice is so sexy and his eyes are brown and he’s actually so sexy. I am still super mad at my parents who put me in this mess just because our business was failing.

We finially got to our house and I went up to the room I picked out when my parents bought us the house. It was supposed to be the master but hey he got the second biggest room.

“Goodnight sweetie” he kisses my cheek and crawls into bed.      

“What do you think you are doing your bedroom is across the hall go and good night.”

“What do you mean across the hall?”

“I mean across the hall now go I'm not sleeping with you until I know more about you. GOODNIGHT”

“But please I want to sleep in here.”

Ok now he is whining like a big baby.

“Fine but behave.”

The next morning I wake up naked so I freak I wasn’t ready to have sex yet.


“Yes sweetheart?”

“Why am I naked you sick pervert?”

“ You were drunk and keep pestering me for sex.”

“So you gave in to me?”

“Yes but I put a condom on and after a couple minutes it broke so I got out and left the room.”

Mr. Not so perfectWhere stories live. Discover now