The Beginning

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Warning: this is gxg so if you're not okay with that then get tf out!

It was a normal day at school. People chat or people stay quiet. They mimic people and make them mad. Humans were always so predictable, they still are. I am Anna, the only American at this school. People give me weird looks for my skin, hair, and eye color and the fact that I wear a guys uniform instead of a girls. I have brown hair with light nyon like blue stripes, brown greenish eyes and tanish skin. Oh and lets not forget the beanie I wear to hide my ears. Not human ones, wolf. Yea yea, I get it big deal. Werewolf in the human world, there's more like me but some are cursed, some vampires, some half breeds. It's normal for us at this point but humans can never know. Nobody has talked to me since I got here, I guess they are trying to bully me, but there could be other reasons. Like the fact that I look like a guy. Or they are already in friend groups and think adding another person would be a bad idea, since it could break up their friendship. I've seen all of those things happen in multiple shows.

"Anna right? I was wondering why your not talking to anybody, it must be lonely isn't it?" said the class rep Landon Chikasi.

" First, I don't know anybody here. Second I don't mind being alone. And third if people wanted to talk to me then they should've said something to me already." I replied awaiting his response. I could see the look on his face, he was in shock with what I just said.

"Oh really?" he said questioning something.

"Yup, I just guessed it was some form of bullying." I replied. Landon look toward the class giving everyone a sense of dread. Almost everyone looked away in fear. Landon was known for getting mad quickly and deals with it by using his fist or so I have heard.

" Everybody, you lied to me saying she didn't want to meet new people, but you guys all stay away. It's a form of bullying and it won't end well for you. That is all" Landon sat down in the seat next to me and smiled but, I turned away.

"You didn't have to do that you know" I say. These are the type of people who think that they are the hero and try to act like it.. I hate these types of people, but yet why do they all have to look good. It always is that question. This is only one reason of why I hate them...

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