An Old Friend

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The girls continued on their path, Melody now on guard as she had no idea what pokemon could have made that noise. Evoy... Evoy... She wrecked her brains but she couldn't think of a pokemon named "Evoy".

The more she thought about it, the more lost in thought she became. She walked and walked, her legs moving on their own until...

"Guess who!" Someone suddenly covered her eyes and laughed, making Melody gasp in shock.

"Don't make me hurt you!" She cried out, a bit frightened now. Wait a minute, that voice... could it be? Matt... She thought to herself in shock.

"M-Matt?" She stammered, still in shock from her friends's sudden appearance.

"Yup!" He laughed and took his hands off her eyes.

"Who's this?" Sakura teased, "Your boyfriend?"

Melody turned red. "No! Of course not! Matt- uh... Matthew's my childhood friend..." Then, she turned to look at him. "How did you find me anyways?" She asked curiously.

"Your necklace..." He started.

"Oh..." She giggled, "I forgot!"

"What's all this talk about a necklace? I have one too!" Sakura smiled, pulling her key our from underneath her school shirt and showing it to the pair.

"That's what you used to float wasn't it!" Melody exclaimed.

"Huh? Now I'm confused..." Matt laughed nervously.

"Oops! I almost forgot! Matt, this is Sakura, Sakura, this is Matt, or Matthew..."

"Nice to meet you, Matthew."

"Same here Sakura!"

Melody looked down and pulled out a pendant from under her dress. It was a silver dragon, but the dragon was making up a half of a heart.

"Where's the other half?" Sakura asked, having seen this kind of thing before, one person would have one half, and another the other, and when put together, the two halves would make a full heart.

"It's right here!" Matt smiled, pulling out a pendant from under his jet black t-shirt as well.

Sakura whipped around and saw that his pendant was like Melody's except it was black, and the dragon made up the opposite half of the heart.

"So pretty!" She exclaimed.

Matt laughed and replied with, "That's not all, whoever wears one half of a dragon's pendant, can track down the wearer of the other half, but only in the right hands. The wearers hearts must truely be one for the pendants to work and when the two bearers hearts truely become one, they will no longer need the pendants, amd can track down the other person without it. My pendant brought me here, to Melody, since her parents sent me to take care of her."

"Woah! Is that all true Melody?"

"Yeah..." She smiled.

"So... are you um... glad to see me?" Matt stuttered a little.

"What?! Uh... Of course? Why wouldn't I be?"

Sakura shot Melody a gleeful look, signifying that she knew something that she might not have been supposed to.

Later that night, as they were setting up camp in a clearing just a little bit off from Pallet Town, where the professor lived, Sakura pulled Melody aside to talk to her.

"You really like that Matt guy don't you?" She asked, nudging Melody playfully.

"No I don't!" Melody blushed and then said, "He's just a friend, also dinner's ready! Let's go!"

The wonderful aroma wafted over to the girls from the center of the clearing, where Matt had been busy cooking.

Little did they know, the creature in the shadows also smelt the food and was still watching their every move from the safety of the leaves above them.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2018 ⏰

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