Chapter 4

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Ever since King got the map five days ago, he couldn't leave Blitz's home. He wanted to wait for Salvadore to come back and explain everything.

"If you're so worried," Blitz was laying down on an old tree stump outside his home, impatiently trying to get King to leave. "Maybe you should go follow his scent, you are a wolf, after all."

"No, Blitz. It doesn't work like that." King had sent Nala home with Jynx as to make sure she wouldn't get hurt. "But you're right, maybe we should head back." King and Blitz started to head back. They had grown closer ever since Nala and Jynx had left, and had become good friends.

After following Salvadore's scent for a while, King lost it.

"No! I was so close. If only I could find him."

"Ugh.... Just go home, Nala's probably worried sick."

King realized that Blitz was right. If he stayed for any longer, she would come looking for him. Or...

"Wait," King suddenly realized something important. "We have to go. Now!"

"I know that we have to go, but what's the rush?" Blitz asked.

"No time, gotta run!"

Blitz and King dashed to find Nala and Jynx. King understood that if he didn't hurry, Nala could have her pups, and King promised to be there.

Ages later, Blitz and King arrived to the den hours later, it was dark out and there was only silence.

"Nala?!" King cried. "Are you there? I'm here!"

Silence, no response. King started to panic, he called out louder.

"Nala! It's me, are you okay?!"

"King, what are you yelling about?" Suddenly, there was a voice response. "Yes, King. I'm fine.. What's got you so worried?" Nala complained.

King sighed in relief. "Oh, sorry. I was scared that I would break my promise and-"

"For what- oh." Nala smiled. "You don't have to worry. I can take care of myself." Nala licked him on the snout before finally going back to sleep. King snuggled up next to her, blocked out his thoughts, and fell asleep.

King woke up to a bright light. Blinding him, he squinted his eyes, expecting to see the sun. Instead, there was a tiger, with glowing orange fur and beautiful green eyes, and pure white wings with blue stripes in the middle.

"Ah, you're awake." the tiger smiled. "You have been given the map, I want to explain."

King didn't understand, but was relieved to receive an explanation.

"But, who are you?" King asked, worried Nala would wake up. "Why are you here and not Salvadore?"

The tiger stood in silence for a bit before motioning with her paw to follow.

"You didn't answer-"

"I am here because Salvadore is busy." the tiger responded suddenly. "I am Enya, keeper of the third moon. The Sharer of 7 stones will be here soon as well, to take you to war."

"Who?" King was frozen in shock and awe, Enya's beauty was overwhelming, and he had to look away.

Enya smirked. "I hope you're not planning on leaving your mate for me."

King suddenly felt ashamed for thinking her pretty, he had someone else he loved, and he needed to remember that. "No, I'm not. Sorry, your fur is really bright."

"I am flattered that you think I am attractive, but you have your own loves, and I have mine." Enya looked pleased. "We need to go, Ixchel is not a big fan of waiting."

"Ixchel? Is he the Sharer of 7 stones?"

"Yes! Good observation."

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