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i knew it would be either her or me. i couldn't believe this was happening right now. i didn't want her to go, but i had to protect my life. she went off with a screech. hi, my name is Liz Clairy, and i just risked my best friends life for my own. she's gone now, and she's after me.

the black, dead creature entered her body slowly, but filled her conscience with evil immediately. this was happening. her eyes filled with shade; they were all black with small red pupils. i started running as she inhaled more black wind. i didn't know how fast i sprinted, or where i was headed. i just knew i had to run. i headed down Brooked St. i looked back, and that was the worst choice of my life. she was breathing down my neck, her bottomless eyes seemed to be staring into my soul. at this point i knew what had happened; Uplexon. i wrote about him once, he came alive. he was a work of my fiction, but he almost killed me; he's trying again.

she grabbed me, i begged Uplexon to come out of her, it was too difficult to die this way. but what a way to die huh?! a homoside committed by your best friend. there was no way out, her hands strangled around my neck. if i wanted Taly to kill me, i would stay. but no; not letting a demon-possessed 14 year old steal my life away from me. i try to slip out of her grasp backwards; i succeed. i dash toward Lava Drive, where my house is. i head to my room and looked out my window in search of any sight of Taly. i hear a knock on the front door. my dad opens it up. "Why hello Taly! Come on in!" shoot. "Hi Mr. C! Where's Liz?" he points at me. Taly walks in my room. no dark eyes. no red pupils. she was her again. Uplexon left. maybe he will leave for 2 years like last time; except he should never come back.

we talked for a long time, i told her that Uplexon was back, that he possessed her. she didn't remember anything that had just happened. we played with Lulu, my dog. the strange thing; after fourty minutes of playing, she could run like lightning. it was crazy. i didn't care, it was nice not being strangled by my best friend. things went on perfectly for the next couple days; no running super fast, no pitch black eyes. a week passed. two. three. 4 weeks with no paranormal activity. i may be in the clear. all of the neighborhood believes in demons, spirits, wizards, even ghosts. in our world, these things are real. my family and friends however, are the targets; Uplexon and his henchmen-- are the arrows. And thats when it happened.

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