Chapter 8

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Niya's P.O.V

When I woke up Taylor was not next to me so I went back to my room to see Mahogony and Lizbeth fully dressed so I threw on my light pink crop top with my black leggings and my pink Dr. Martens with my Black cardigan put my hair in a high bun then put my iphone, charger and money in cardigan pocket.

"So since we don't have to go magcon until 4:00 lets hang out just us girls " Mahogony said so we went to the mall .I got my nails done in the triangle style like Mahogony we bought things and went back to the hotel cuz it was 4:00 on the dot and we weren't late.So magcon started we did the usual routine then fans asked questions.

"Um..hi my name is Skylar and this is a question for Niya ok.when did you start liking Taylor?"She asked

"I started liking him the like 2 months after I met him and got to know him better"I answer

"AWWW" the crowd yells

"Now this one is for Hayes where is Gabby" fan 2 said

"home we broke up"he replied

"No offense but im glad she went home"The girl replied

"I hated her we all did"I say chipping

we asked a few more questions then out of nowhere the crowd starts chanting

"KISS!KISS!" And they ment Taylor and I so we gave each other a peck on the lips then whispered"well finish this later"

*afer that*

So as I was walking to the room Taylor pushed me into the Janitor closet and started Kissing me

"wait" I say quicky

"huh"he said

"im hungry can we go to my room and watch movies you could stay" I said and he just nodded

Lizbeth's P.O.V

After magcon Matt and I clicked I think im starting to like him but anyway I just stayed at the venue to help clean up cuz there was paper everywhere when I finished I went to the room to find Niya and Taulor cuddled uo sleep.

'AWWWWWWWWWW'i thought but anyway I went in the bathroom tooK a shower and put on my Pj's and went o sleep with my teddy bear

like literally.

Mahogony's P.O.V

After Magcon I hung out with jacob we went to the movies after we help cleaned up we saw The Purge:Anarchy which wasn't scary at all butthen went back to the hotel.when I got back I found Niya cuddled with Taylor sleep and Lizbeth cuddled with a teddy bear sleep as well so I got in my Pj's and went to sleep.

Niya's P.O.V

I woke up checked the clock and it was  1:00p.m so I got dressed put my hair in a high bun, put my high waisted pants,and my Dr. Martens then my tank top with a white bandeau and put my phone and stuff in my pocket my then put my glasses went to the lobby cafe got apple juice and a cream cheese bagel then went back to my room and Taulor wasn't there anymore so I went to his room and he was SHIRTLESS AGAIN!!

"hey babe" I say give him a kiss and sit on his lap

"hey can I have a bite of your bagel?"He asked

"sure" I say as I take it out of the bag and he takes a bite

"get up please I gsotta get dress" he said and I got

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