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What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
But what kills you and sends you to the grave, yet you still rise, makes you immortal.

I am the ash that you burn while you still yearn for another.
I am the crack in your glass fortress.
The claw marks on your pristine, crystal,glass of a soul that encases the monster inside.

Your heart is a circus and we were the lions on show... we who prided ourselves in being immune to the deceptions of men... you tied us around your little pinky finger and wound us as your puppets,to do  your every bidding.

We had forgotten. The lion may be the king of the jungle but the wolf never does circus shows.
But you killed me before I could attain the heart of a wolf.

You killed me every single night you came home smelling different.
You killed me with the secret calls and midnight rendezvous.
You stabbed me with her lipstick and shot me in the heart with her presence that clung to your frame tenaciously.... sucking out the life out of our love.

Did you even love me?
Did you even love her?
Or were we part of the plan just like the neighbour whose daughter has your eyes?

I feel so blind now that I see right through  your ploy.
Was I your favourite toy?
At least dignify me by affirming that.
After all,I was the trophy wife you showed off to your associates.
She was the closet doll that never sees the light of day.
Only an active participant of your nocturnal trips.

I would not wish to kill you because that would be too great a mercy.
I would wish that that which made you ashame me so would shrivel up and never perform.

I am wicked and cold and unfeeling, because you tore out my brains first,paralysing my ability to intelligently tell you apart as a fraud then you went straight for my heart.

I would never watch you die... I'd want it to be slow and I'd want you to end up alone.
Like the nights I spent up waiting for you.

I would do all these if I were a monster like you.
But I am not.

I am hurt,angry and avengeful but only in feeling.
I am not a coward,rather the bravest because I choose  to fight this.

I choose to be better than you ever were.
And that,my dear ex,is what sets apart man and beast.

I remain unbowed by what was your greatest downfall.

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