More Yotubers I watch: (not ranked in anyway)
Dina Norland (art)
applemint (art)
Pearberri (art)
Everyday I Draw (art)
Kasey Golden (art)
AlexMan Han (A floof cinnamon roll)
WASD Paint (art)
Chipflake (animation)
1000 Things You Need to Know About Artists
Random144 out of 1.68K in relatable -September 15th, 2018 28th- This book is crammed with How-tos, Supplies Recommendations, Stores, and just overall relatable things for an artist. I hope you enjoy! *UPDATED MUTIPLE TIMES DAILY*
More Yotubers I watch: (not ranked in anyway)
Dina Norland (art)
applemint (art)
Pearberri (art)
Everyday I Draw (art)
Kasey Golden (art)
AlexMan Han (A floof cinnamon roll)
WASD Paint (art)
Chipflake (animation)