Chapter 14: Meeting the leJIN

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Jungkook rushes down the hall to Jin's office, tripping several times in the process.

To his luck, the building's elevator was broken so he had to use the stairs.

Once he made it to the office door, he clams his uneven breathing before grabbing onto the door knob, ready to knock.

But before he could, the door pushed opened, causing him to stubble back a little.

' J-Jungkook?! '

The person who opened the door gasps, causing him to look up.

' Jimin Hyung? '

Oh yeah, he works here too...

Jungkook could feel his palms getting sweaty, he wasn't supposed to know.

' Jiminie, is that the new intern?' Jin called out from this office, eyes glued to the papers he was holding.


' ye- yeah... ' Jimin stared at me, it was obvious he had questions, before letting me in.

' ah, Jungkook, you're here, I thought you didn't accept my offer ', Jin said, not looking up from his work.


' Take a sit, your future partner is also late. ' Jin eyed me before shooing Jimin to leave, who was still standing by the door, stunned.

Jungkook made his way to the velvet couch, settling his bag beside him as his eyes started to wonder. Finding ways to kill time while him and Jin waited for you.

Jin's office was pretty spacious, it's actually the biggest office in the whole building since Jin had requested he must work in an A class office, and since Namjoon is in charge, Jin got what he wanted.

The office was pretty stereotypical, except for the few Mario themed figurines displayed in a cased shelf.

There were also a few framed pictures on the coffee table.

Curious, Jungkook leaned forward to inspect them.

There were 3 in total, one was a picture of the assistant chief himself receiving a badge of some sort.

The second one was what seemed like a wedding photo?

I didn't know the chief's assistant was a taken man

Jungkook reached for the assumably wedding picture of the assistant chief to examine it more. But to his disappointment, half of the picture was smashed, covering the other person's face.

After putting the pictures down, Jungkook picked up the last picture.

It was a group photo of 4, there was Jin, Jimin and two others.

Tsk... of course Jimin hyung was close to him.

He felt a sting in his heart but chose to ignore it and continued his examination.

The picture looked like they were at a graduation ceremony, a girl wearing a square hat standing in the middle.

She looks familiar

' that's ( y/n ), your future partner. '

A voice sounded from behind which made Jungkook jump a little. Causing Jin to laugh.

' sorry if I scared you. ', Jin apologized as he plops down next to Jungkook.

' I swear I'm gonna ground that girl for a month when she get here. ' Jin sign as he lead his head back into the cushion.

Jungkook chuckles as a sudden urge struck him.

' so what do you wanna ask about? '

Is he psychic...?

' ho- how did you know...? ', Jungkook asked as he shot up from his seat, causing Jin to let out another chuckle before straightening up.

' call it mother's intuition ', Jin winked causing Jungkook to blush.

' but your a man...? ' Jungkook questioned with a bit of mischief before getting stared down by a pair of eyes.

' hey, I'm a woman whose soul is trapped in the wrong vessel '

Jungkook broke into a cold sweat before both men starting laughing.

After a few questions, answers and questionably appropriate jokes, they've become some what close for Jungkook to build up the courage to ask a question which has been bothering him since he met Jin.

' hyung? '

' yes Kookie? '

' you're gay right? '

' yes Jungkook, we've talked about this-'

' so do you top or bottom? '

And he received another slap to his fetus face.

Korean psychopath ( Jeon Jungkook x reader )Where stories live. Discover now