Chapter One

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Hello everyone! Welcome to my new book.
Please note that this contains boyxboy stuff so the people who don't like it can drop it. And please stop reading if you don't like need for rude comments.
Those people just end up discouraging the writers and as well as the readers.
And I don't support anyone copying or translating my work, so I hope you'll respect my choice.
Anyways I hope you guys will be kind enough to accept me.

Anyways I hope you guys will be kind enough to accept me

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Alex's POV:

"Aleeex?" Jonas, my brother called out to me from downstairs
"Come down! Mom and dad are calling you!" He said

"Coming!" I shouted and got downstairs where I saw mom and dad in the living room. They had a quiet nervous expression.

"Mum? So what did you guys wanted to talk about?" I asked
My parents fidgeted a bit and then my mom came to me and pulled me into a hug

"You do know that we love you. Don't you?" She asked as she ruffled my hair
"Well yeah but can you tell me what's going on? The suspense is killing me!" I said

"Son..please listen to what we are going to say very carefully and try to understand." My dad said and I nodded

"Before you were born, we had financial crisis. One of my friends had helped me at that time.
I am always grateful to him.

After I worked hard and was finally able to get a company of my own, I wanted to pay him back but he never took it.
Instead he said that he would like out children to marry when they grow up.
Even I agreed to that.

And now that he's asking for our child's hand in marriage, we couldn't refuse him. I didn't want to go back on my commitment. So...." My dad suddenly took a pause

"So?" I asked in confusion
Okay please don't let it be what I am thinking right now.

"You will be getting married to my friend's eldest child." Dad said making me stare at him in shock

What the fuck is going on here?

"Dad! Have you guys lost it? You guys are trading me because you owe your friend a goddamn favor?!" I yelled

"Manners Alex and fix that tone!" My dad yelled back
Now he's back to his real self, he's only acting nice when he needs something.

"There's another reason, if you marry into that family then our business alliances will be stronger too and I'm not willing to take a risk.
Besides you will be the happiest in that family. Trust me! They will love you a lot."

"Then why don't you get Jonas get married?" I asked
"Don't be stupid! Jonas is only seventeen" dad said

"Whatever it is! I don't want to get married to anyone right now dad!" I said

"You will and that's final. If you still disagree with me then you can leave the house and live on the streets!" Dad shouted

"I can't believe it dad that you are actually threatening me?!" I asked in disbelief
"I don't want to hear anymore questions! Get ready as they will be here in an hour." He said and left the room

"Mom?" I looked at my mother with pleading eyes
"Dear..I'm sure you will like your partner and you know how your dad is.
You are the eldest son. Please do this for your parents.
For me at least?" Mom asked

"Ugh..I..okay I'll meet him." I said
I just got emotionally blackmailed by my mom
I must say that she just played a good card!

"Okay dear. Then go and get ready." Mom smiled and turned to Jonas
"You go and help your brother." And Jonas nodded
Mom sure knows that I won't ever refuse her. Why would I? She's someone I would die for.

After mom left, Jonas came to me and patted my back
"I feel sorry for you man but cheer up! At least meet the person. What if she's extremely good looking?!
I'm gonna get a pretty sister-in-law then." He squealed making me glaring at him but the next moment I realized that it's pointless now.

"Well you have got a point. I have to get married to her anyway so I should at least see how she looks." I sighed

"That's the spirit! Let's go now and get you dressed up!" Jonas exclaimed as he dragged me upstairs all the way to my room.

I wonder how my partner is gonna be! We never met.
Is she gonna even accept a marriage with a complete stranger?

To be continued...

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