INLOVE[MDZS Fanfic Oneshot]√

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Ever since they we're kids, Lan XiChen have never seen his brother smile. Yet right now, with just a simple stupid action from a certain person, Lan WangJi's lips will curved up slightly. It was unnoticeable for others but not to Lan XiChen.

His brother has been deeply in love with Wei WuXian.

Every time Wei WuXian would make this stupid smile, Although, always indifferent, You can see the spark of admiration in Lan WangJi's eye. It makes Lan XiChen wonder.

What did Wei WuXian do for Lan WangJi to fell in love with him this deep? Is it his wildest imagination? His charming smile? His nonstop teasing? His Bravery? His Chivalrous attitude? Or maybe all of this? It Hurts to see Lan WangJi crying when the latter found out that his beloved had been killed in the burial mounds, his body was shred into pieces and his soul was no where to be found.

His Brother cried with dried tears, his indifference still remained. Like nothing happened, but Lan XiChen knew it. He knew the agonizing pain his brother was enduring in his heart. Lan WangJi waited for thirteen years. It was laughable for others, but for Lan XiChen, it was so painful to see.

What made Lan WangJi to hold on like this? What made his brother to hold on like this with no regret? Maybe this is what they called power of love. This love that makes Lan WangJi suffer, Yet also makes Lan WangJi strong. It's truly.....admirable. Sometimes Lan XiChen wondered, could he find someone like Lan WangJi to love him and Cherish him forever? A person who is willing to gave up his life for the sake of him?

This painful emotions in Lan WangJi's heart, when will it fade? Will it fade? Or simply stay until Lan WangJi's last breath? All the way, Lan WangJi smiled again, not the smile in his lips but the smile of his eyes.

Holding someone in his collar, this person with a stupid stuffs on his face, cringing being silenced with a silencing spell. Lan XiChen smiled. The person that Lan WangJi has been waiting for thirteen years is now here, to his side. Lan XiChen thought. 'I'm glad. He will be happy again.' "Come on brother, You're such in high spirit, why treat a guest like this?" Lan XiChen sighed. Lan WangJi had found the person he's been longing. All of them will be happy again.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2018 ⏰

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