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It's Monday. You know what that means. There is school. Plus I have to meet Kim Taehyung.

I woke up and did the same routine as everyday. I took a bath, put my clothes then took my things. I went down stairs and sat at my seat at the kitchen.

The food was some Omelete and some bread. It was Sulli's specialty. She only cooked it on rare days. I tasted it on the first day that Appa introduced us to her.

I actually liked her at first. She was very kind as she is now. She is also very pretty. The one thing that I disliked about her is that she's replacing my mom. My mom will always be my mom.

"Thank you for the food!" I say.

Then I continue eating. I ate for a couple of minutes then finished. The food was indeed yummy.

I got up with Chanyeol Oppa and Jisung. We went outside our house then took a taxi. We told him to go to our school.


We have finally arrived at our school. As we arrived there, I immediately went to look for Lisa and Yerim. So I walked and looked for them.

I went to the campus and looked for them. They were there. They were sitting down with Hoseok Oppa.

I went near them and sat down with them.

"Hi guys!" I say.

"Hello Sooyoung!" Says Hoseok.

"Hi Sooyoung unnie!" Says Lisa.

"Hi Soo unnie! Have you thought about it yet?" Says Yerim.

"Hhhmmnn.... Yes but the answer is still No." I say.

"What are you guys talking about?" Asks Lisa.

"If Sooyoung unnie thought about to answer Taehyung-sshi." Says Yerim.

"And when did you guys think about that?" Asks Lisa.

"When we had breakfast at mini mart." Say Yerim.

"What day?" Asks Lisa.

"Saturday." I answer.

"Why didn't you invite us?" Asks Hoseok.

"We don't wanna be a third wheel." Yerim Says.

"When do you guys ever feel like third wheels?" Asks Hoseok.

"Every time we spend with you guys just like now." I say.

"How?" Asks Lisa.

I point to their hands. They were holding each other's hands.

"Ohhh..." says Hosoek.

"Then why don't you guys get a boyfriend." Says Lisa.

"I try to..." Says Yerim.

Yerim was looking at this Jeon Cook something guy. He was in the music club. He knew how to play piano or something.


Then it's time to go to class.

"See you guys later." I say.

Then me and Lisa head to our classroom. It's kinda weird that I haven't seen Taehyung yet. I usually see him when I go to the classroom.

Wait........ am I thinking about him. Erase that and forget it.

Me and Lisa enter the classroom. Some people were looking at me strangely. Did I have something weird going on.

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