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Sooyoung POV




Me and Lisa stand up from our seats. We go up and leave the classroom.

Our Hangul class has finally finished so me and Lisa are roaming the halls. I'm very good at Hangul so I think I aced the little test that Sr. Heechul have to us.

We are walking right now and roaming the halls. No one seemed to be bother us. That's kind of weird. Why isn't he here?

He kept bothering me yesterday. He didn't bother me at all today. Is he sick or something. He wasn't at Hangul class today. Did he skip it?

I'm not missing him or concerned for him, by the way. I'm just wondering where he is right now. He or his gang usually bothers me by this time.

"Where is he?" I accidentally sat out loud.

I turn my head and look more. Lisa notices me acting weirdly. She looks at me.

"Unnie, what's wrong with you?" Asks Lisa.

"Nothing." I say as I keep looking.

Lisa notices my strange behavior and snaps her fingers in front of my face.

"Are you looking for Taehyung." Asks Lisa with a grin on her face.

"No, I'm just wondering why he isn't here." I say.

"So you are looking for him." Says Lisa.

"Am not." I say.

"You are." Says Lisa teasingly.

"Am not." I say.

"You are." Says Lisa.

"For the last time, I'm not looking for him." I say to her.

"Sure Unnie. Whatever you say." Says Lisa.

Then we continue walking. I decided to scroll down on my phone since it's boring.

The I suddenly feel a tap from Lisa. I look at her.

"He's there unnie." Says Lisa as she points at a direction.

I look at the direction that's she's pointing. It was Taehyung leaning on the wall with a Rose.

"He probably is waiting for you." Says Lisa.

He must've waited there for me. He probably bought the Rose to give to me.

Then Jennie comes out of her classroom. Taehyung comes near her and tries to give her the Rose. Jennie just walks away and ignored him.

Then he went back to the wall, leaned, then fell down. He looked so sad. He looked like a child who just lost his toy.

I suddenly felt a feeling something in my heart. What's this feeling. I felt sad looking at him give it. Did I fall for him already?



I guess it's already time for class.

"Unnie, Let's go or else we'll be late." Says Lisa.

Then I went straight. I look at Taehyung as I walk. Then I suddenly heard a noise.

"Unnie, it's this way." Says Lisa.

Then I follow her. I must've went there accidentally. I go in and seat at my seat.

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