new phone

10 2 1

/Romance, girlxboy\
/American style\

It's a warm summer day and I'm chilling at the swimmingpool with a couple friends. Everyone is swimming when a few guys from our school enter the sitting area around the pool. Although I recognize them I don't think I've ever talked to them.
I see them looking around for some free beds. They quickly see a few next to the place where our stuff is. I keep watching them because my stuff is closest to the empty beds.

After all of them have settled down another guy comes running to the group that are ready to jump in the water. He is a bit small with light brown messy hair. He almost slips and I chuckle. When he reaches his friends he sees that there are no empty beds left. The guy walks over to my bed and goes to stand next to it, facing it.
'This can't go well' I think, and I get out of the pool.

As I'm getting out I hear a cracking sound, I look up, seeing the brown haired boy sitting on his knees on the bed looking at my stuff that is currently on the ground.
"What the fuck are you doing?" I yell at him.
He looks at me, very shocked and still sitting on his knees. He raises his hand in the air.
"I swear that wasn't my intention" he answers.
I reach to my stuff on the ground and pull out my now shattered phone.
"You're gonna pay for this." I show him my phone that won't even turn on anymore.
"I don't have any money right now" he says, clearly scared of me.
"If you give me your address I will get you the money as soon as possible."
"Ugh, fine" I write down my address and give it to him.
"I want it this week" I tell him as I pick up my stuff. After that, I tell my friends I'm going home and that they can ask what happened to the boy.

That evening as I'm sitting on my bed with my computer, I hear my dorm room's doorbell ring. "Hello? Who's there?" I ask through the intercom.
"Uhm it's the guy that broke your phone at the pool. Can I come up?"
'Why would he want to come up?' I ask myself.
"Alright." I open the door for him he quickly shouts thanks before I hear him coming up the stairs.
There's knocking on my door and a muffled hello. I open my door, expecting to see him with that same messy hair. But when I open the door I see he has styled his hair and I look in his almost black eyes, I hadn't noticed them before.
"Can i come in?" He asks nervously.
I step to the side and gesture that he can come in. I sit down on my bed and point him my turning chair.

"I'm sorry for what happened this afternoon," he starts "I didn't get a chance to apologize back there."
"Yeah sorry for getting so angry, but you have to admit that you deserved it" I say. I now realize he looks really handsome and I try to keep myself from blushing.
"Yeah you're right, what I did was not that smart."
I nod and there is a bit of silence.
"You really need.." "I got you.." we start talking at the same time.
"Eehm you first" I say.
"Okay, I got you a new phone." He pulls a new iPhone 8 out of his bag. "I saw your previous phone was a bit old so I thought you could use a newer one."
I take the new, shiny phone out of his hands and open the box.
"I put a note with my number in there." He says shyly.
"I'm speechless, thank you." I answer.
I really didn't know what to do. There is a guy in my room, that's probably the first time, and he has just given me an expensive phone.
"I should probably go now" he says, getting up and taking a step towards the door.
"Wait!" I make my way over to him and give him a kiss on his cheek.
I feel my cheeks burning from blushing and I see he has the same problem.
"Thank you, really." I say.

After he has left I go to sit on my bed again. 'Oh shit, I didn't even get his name' I think. I set up the new phone and type his number in the contacts.

I didn't catch your name?

Maybe I'll tell you when
I buy you a drink Friday

Sound interesting, I'm in

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