we don't talk anymore

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It's been two month since I caught my girlfriend, Juyeong, with another man. I haven't seen her since we broke up. Not that I miss her, I have been better than then. From what I heard, she is still with the guy she cheated on me with. I hope they're having fun.

"Jungkook!" I was disturbed from my thoughts by my mother. "Earth to Jungkook." She says jokingly. "Didn't you have work to go to?" "Dammit, yes." I grab my shoes and jacket and put them on "Bye mom!" "Bye honey!" She says before I close the front door.

I work at a restaurant in the bar, so my shifts are always during dinner or lunch. Although the work is pretty fun, seeing others get drunk and having fun, I wish I could eat with my family sometimes.

Around eight o'clock a couple enters the restaurant. I immediately recognize them, my ex and her boyfriend. It seems like they reserved a table, because they get guided to a romantically decorated table. As they walk through the restaurant, Juyeong notices me and waves at me provocatively.

When they have settled down, the guy who is with her leans forward to her. At first I thought he was going to kiss her, but instead it looked like he was whispering something to her. She replies by stroking his arm and saying something while smiling innocently. The guy sits back, not looking convinced by her answer. He looks my way and we make eye contact, seems like he considers me as a threat. 'Pfft, he doesn't know anything.' I think as I continue washing the glasses.

The evening is pretty quiet, no parties, no wasted people being dragged out of the restaurant, yes that actually happens sometimes, just people enjoying their evening. The only disruption is Juyeong's laugh, sometimes I think she does it on purpose.

About two hours since they came in Juyeong leaves to the bathroom. I was just placing some glasses in the racks when her boyfriend suddenly stands at the bar. "Hey dude, can I get a bottle of your best champagne to my table?" He asks leaning on the counter with one elbow. "Of course, I'll have a waiter bring it to you in a minute." I finally get to take a good look at him. He is rather small and slim, his dirty blond hair contrasts with his almost black eyes. "Awesome, thanks dude." He says, returning to his table. "Wait a moment. I need to see your ID." He throws his head back and tells me he needs to get it from his coat.

A minute later he returns and hands me his ID. "There you go." I look at his ID. Wow, twenty-two years old, he looks younger. What's his name? Park Jimin. I think Juyeong once mentioned she was going to hang out with a Jimin. "Is everything alright?" He asks while taking his hand through his hair, he seems to do that a lot. "Yup, the champagne will be with you soon." Jimin returns to his table and Juyeong enters from the bathroom door too.

The restaurant closes at 1 am, Juyeong and Jimin left a long time ago. I tell the staffs that are still at work I'm going home and grab my coat.

On my way home I see someone sitting on a bench with their hands on their face in their lap. Only when I get
Closer I see who it is. Jimin! I speed up and place my bike against a near tree.

I walk over to him. "Jimin, are you alright?" I asks while standing next to him. He shoots up and looks at me with red eyes. Has he been crying? "Oh it's you." He rubs his eyes. "Don't worry about me, you should go home." Sitting down next to him I say: "No, I think I will stay here for a while." I place my hand behind me and look up to the sky. Jimin sighs.

"How do you know my name anyway?" He asks after some time. "Your ID." I feel my cheeks burning up. "I see. Then what's your name?" "Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook." The burning feeling in my cheeks doesn't go away, it only feels like it's getting worse.

"Can I ask you why you're here?" I asks him when my cheeks have calmed down. Jimin stays silent for a bit before telling me. "Juyeong broke up with me, because I wasn't 'entertaining' enough." The only thing I can let out is a soft 'oh'. "My parents kicked me out of the house last month," Jimin continues "so I was temporarily living with Juyeong. And now I don't have anywhere to go." He buries his face in his hands again. "So were you planning to just sleep on the streets?" Jimin raises his shoulders. "I don't know." I grab his wrist and pull him up. "Come on we will go to my house." And eventually, after some struggling, Jimin agreed.

So yeah, we spend the night in my room. I didn't want to wake my mom up to ask for clean sheets, so we just didn't sleep. We talked the entire night and we found out we have some things in common. I also told him about why Juyeong and I broke up, but we quickly switched to a nicer subject. I honestly couldn't have thought of a way to better spend the night.

The next morning I woke up with Jimin sleeping on my chest. 'We fell asleep, huh.' I think. I stroke his blond hair and watch him sleep for some time, until he wakes up too. "Do you want breakfast?" I ask him. he stretches out his arms and nods.

My mom looks confused when she sees another boy come down the stairs with me, but that's understandable. "Mom, this is Jimin. He's also Juyeong's ex, since yesterday, and he had nowhere to stay for the night." I try to explain to her. She sighs. "Okay... Jimin would you like your egg cooked or baked?" I look to Jimin who is smiling widely. "Baked please."

*Author's note*
This is the longest chapter I ever wrote, so, enjoy!

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