Meeting Daniel

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After sulking in my room for a while, I realized my brother probably had a bad day. I decided that I could try and help comfort him. I knocked on his door again, and said "Danny, are you okay?". I heard some ruffling around in his room, when the door opened and he gave me a death stare and yelled "LEAVE ME ALONE!", slamming the door in my face. 'He must have had a really bad day' I thought. I knock one last time and whispered, "You can talk to me, Danny". The door swings open, and Danny has been blinded with rage. He pushes me into the wall and says "This is why no one wants to be friends with you!" and slams the door in my face again. I start to feel tears forming in my eyes. I start to get up when I feel a sharp pain. I looked down at my elbow and saw that it was bleeding. My mom had heard noise and came rushing in, "What happened?!" she asked. "I-I tripped, sorry." I said. My mom didn't quite believe me but didn't question me either. We fixed up my arm, had dinner and we went to sleep.

School runs its course like it usually does for the next week. I woke up one morning with a smile on my face, I'm not sure why but I just was happy. I get out of bed and go to the kitchen to get breakfast when I see a ton of balloons and a banner that read 'Happy Birthday Amber!'. I had completely forgotten it was my birthday!  I feel my cheeks heating up as my mom starts to sing happy birthday, my brother was playing on his DS next to her. He was lucky, my mom had given him that as a present for 3rd grade. I wished I had a DS.

Anyway, my mom cuts me the corner slice of the cake (My favorite) and a tall glass of milk. Danny is frowning at me and I'm not sure why. I decided to offer him my slice of cake. He didn't say anything but took my plate. My mom had already left to go get ready, so I just watched my brother eat my cake as I drank my glass of milk.

Once we are all ready and in the car, we drive to school and my brother is greeted by his friends. I  waved goodbye and he turned around and whispered something to his friends. I'm not sure what it was, but they walked away laughing.

I walked to class alone today, trying to show that I was a big kid now. London greeted me and started to wish me a Happy Birthday. I asked her how she found out, and she told me that my mom told her mom. She proceeded to give me a small gift bag, It was square shaped and had a container inside. I take out the container which has been wrapped as well. I quickly rip off the wrapping paper and see a sandwich inside. I look up at London confused, "Look closer." she said. So I do, and that's when I see a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich in the container. I let out a squeal and I give London a bear hug and we walk to class having the time of our lives.

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