What do you mean?

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Drew sat down next to me and we just stayed like that for a little while. After about a minute or two of awkward Drew finally piped up.

"Amber?" he said while turning to face me.

I adjust myself to look into his ocean blue eyes, I couldn't help but feel myself blush and get nervous "Yeah." I say trying to act as normal as possible.

"D-do, um, did you like the kiss?" he gulps and bites the inside of the cheek. I then noticed that. he too, was blushing.

"Did you?" was all I managed to choke out, I bit my top lip and started fiddling with my fingers, hoping that he would say what I wished he would.

He looks at me, takes a deep breath and then says "Yeah.". He looks down before I can respond. I could feel a stupid grin plaster on my face.

Drew was still looking down until I said "Drew." he looked up and saw me smiling, his look of embarrassment quickly turned into a confused face.

Not knowing the words to say or how to place them together, I just leaned in. I figured that he would stop me, get up and laugh, but he didn't. He leaned in too.

We stayed like that for what felt like forever, until he finally pulled away. I felt myself blush as I clenched my shoulder and prepared for him to leave.

He just looked at me and I just looked down. I finally couldn't take his eyes burning into my skull anymore so I just looked up and our eyes met. He looked at me for a while until he finally cleared his throat.

He shuffled in his seat a little until he finally said "Amber, I really like you, and, um." he ran his hand through his hair and shuffled some more "W-will you go out with me." he finally said.

He looked at me, eyes filled with hope, I could only feel a smile grow on my face as I nodded excitedly. We talked on that bench for what seemed like hours. I gave him. my house phone number so that we could plan what to do. As the sun started to set, I realized that my mom would kill me if I wasn't back before dark so I just gave Drew a hug and left.

On my way home, my mind was going a million miles a minute. 'I can't believe this is happening' 'What would I wear? How would I act?' 'Will I finally be popular, London and I can re-connect'. Before I realized it, I pulled up to the front of my house right as the last glimpse of sun faded away.

When I walked in, I was greeted by a great smelling aroma. I walked into the kitchen to see my mom setting plates filled with food on the table.

"You made it just in time sweetie." my mom. said while putting down the last plate. I pulled up a chair and started eating. I finished, washed up, and went to bed. As I was falling asleep, I couldn't help but feel lucky.


I slammed my hand on the alarm, and got up. For once, I didn't have a dreading feeling of going to school. I got dressed and went to the kitchen to get breakfast when I heard the house phone ring.

I check the caller ID and see it say Drew. MY heart skips a beat as I pick up the phone. I hear laughing in the background. I can feel myself sweating already. I urge myself to speak but all that comes out is "H-hello.".

"Hey, Amber." Drew says with sorrow in his voice. My mind starts panicking and assuming the worst.

"Yeah." I say trying hard to sound happy, but it just comes off scared.

"I just had to tell you that I can't date you." the laughter in the background becomes a lot more noticeable.

"Why." I mutter, feeling my eyes start to well up.

"Well, it was all a dare. Sorry." he says briefly. The laughter in the back has now exploded and I hear a beep on the other side, he hung up.

I feel my cheeks get red, my eyes get wet, and my mom calling my name before everything went black.

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