jelly much

102 9 7

ARIS pove:

i woke up and got 5 texts one from Reese it said that he cant give me a ride today

and 4 from daniel: hey gonna bring u too school today

be riding at 7:30

well stop for food since school starts at 10:00 today

make that 8:00 lol well text back when u wake up

i texted Reese back saying i have a ride dont worry then texted daniel saying that ill be ready

i got out of bed and ranned to the shower when i got out i saw that it was 6:00 lol why did i wake up really so i thought that i was gonna try to look nice today i blow dryed my hair then cruled it then i went to my closet and got my nice skinny jeans with i white shirt and i aniamal scurf and my boots. i did my make up nothing to over top i went with i simple look.

 when i was done i looked at my phone why going down stairs i got a text from Reese 

Reese- tomorrow im giving u a ride so dont make other plans-

me- kk but not sure yet i might have other plans talk late gonna eat before my ride gets here

Reese- im giving u ride and ookayy talk when u get to school

after i was done eating daniel texted me saying he was here i got up and grabed my bag and went into his car "

"hey" daniel greeted me

hey so what did u want to talk about" i said confused that i was even in his car hes the captin of the football team and he would allways try to talk to me but never give me a ride to school.

" oh nothing ill tell when my get there"

"oh okay where we going "

" starbucks sound good" he questioned like who doesnt like starbucks lol

" yeah sounds great"

"good"  he quickly said

the whole ride to starbucks was seilent when we finally got there he ran out and opened my door i thought that was so cute. we finally got odered and was sitting at one of the tables

" so what did u want to talk about" i asked breaking the selince

"right well i really like you and i dont want u hanging out with Reese cause hes bad news and i want u to go on a date with me to show that i can be a better man then that dushpants { and everyone who has seen the faukt in our stars will know why i just used the word dushpants okay back to the story}

after what i heard i felt dizzy

" ohi think i would have to think about what u just said and look at the time its 9:30 we better go "

" okay text me tomorrow or when ever u r done thinking k "


again the whole way to school was sielent we pulled up and got out of the car everyone was staring at use and i saw Reese by the doors staring at daniel he wanted to kill him i went staright to my locker when i heard screaming i looked doen the hall and daniel adn Reese were screaming at each other i droped my notebook and they both turned and looked at me............          

sorry its so short its 1:30 and i want to go to bed update tomorrow maybe if im not busy bye love u guess to pieaces and commment if u like ari to go with daniel or Reese ship only one dont choose both aris not a slut bye p.s sorry for the bad writting im on my phone doing this

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