Chapter Seven

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Wyatt and Jaeden continued to hug tightly, crying into one another.

Wyatt's POV-
I felt safe in his arms. I felt like I had no worries left. Just him, just Jae.

Jaeden's POV-
Being in his arms was the most incredible thing. He was warm, and made me feel safe. I didn't want to pull away... ever.

Finn: "hey you guys, are you okay?"
Jaeden pulled away from the hug and wiped wyatt's tears, then his own. "We're fine" he looks at Wyatt and looks into his eyes.
Wyatt: he smiled sadly and looked back at jaeden.

Wyatt's POV-
There was only one thing I knew to do. I put my arms around his neck and looked into his eyes. Our faces were so close, our lips were almost brushing.

Jaeden's POV-
His face was so close to mine, I could feel his warm breath on my face. I slowly closed my eyes and leaned in, pressing my lips against his.

Wyatt's POV-
He did it before I could. He closed his eyes and pushed his lips gently against mine. I kissed back as he put his hands around my waist.

Finn: he rolled his eyes at jack "jack stop it, seriously." He took jacks hand and pulled him away "we'll give you some time alone"

Wyatt pulled away from the kiss and looked into Jaeden's eyes. He looked down sadly.

Jaeden's POV-
I could see he was upset. I lifted his chin with my finger and pecked his lips. "Don't be sorry, it's not worth it." I took both of his hands and looked into his eyes "neither of us need to be sorry. Listen to me, you haven't ruined anything Wy, don't be upset" I could see him blushing deep red. It was the cutest thing. I put my hand on his cheek and laughed. "I love you Wy"

Wyatt's POV-
He made me feel so much better. I no longer felt a sense of guilt or worry or upset. He made me feel like I was worth something. He made me... happy. I smiled gently at him.

Finn: "hey we're going to play some more games out here if you wanna join" he smiles at them

I looked at Jaeden and he giggled. I took his hand and led him into the hall, where the rest of the kids were sat. I sat down, opposite Jaeden and smiled at him small.

They all had a couple of rounds and then jacks turn rolled around "hmmm let me think" he laughs at himself "7 minutes in heaven, Wyatt and Jae"

Wyatt's POV-
Oh no. Even though me and Jae had already kissed, this is still bad. They expect more than just a kiss in their and I wasn't willing to it.

Jaeden's POV-
I looked over at Wyatt. He looked uncomfortable, he didn't look happy. I could just tell. I wanted to be there for him, but I didn't want to be called a pussy. I got up and and walked over to Wyatt and smiled helping him up. Jack led us to the closer and locked us in. "7 minutes starts now"

Wyatt: "Jaeden I can't do this"
Jaeden: "it's okay it's okay, we don't have to do anything, we can just talk."
Wyatt: "no Jae, I have a huge fear of small spaces, I'm extremely claustrophobic" he started to look round in a panic
Jaeden: "hey, hey it's okay, I'm here" he pulled him close, into a hug
Wyatt: "I don't like it Jae, I'm scared"
Jaeden: "hey it's okay, don't panic, just breathe" he held him close, as he started to shake.

//sorry this part isn't great, i wasn't feeling too motivated, and I've been busy all day, so yeah, but I hope you're enjoying the story!! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2018 ⏰

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