Dance 2/2

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"Stop being lazy and wake up!" A little boy yelled. Try and failing to wake up the little blonde girl.

"Do I have to?" Whining did not help his attitude.

"Yes!" Finally giving in she picked up the mop.

"Why exactly do I have to help you clean your entire mansion?"

"Because if I'm doing this then your doing this too."

"So let me get this right," leaning on the mop. "Me, a guest at your mansion, has to help you clean up from top to bottom, just because you didn't feel like cleaning for an entire month."


"You suck-"


"But I'll help you because, I mean come on, what are best friends for?" She gave him her biggest and brightest smile. He smiles back.

The next day was the day she was suppose to visit but she was late.

What's taking her so long? He thought. That's when he smelled it, a sweet aroma laced with poison... the sweet aroma she always carried because of her blood, was faint. No! Please tell me you're alright! He ran towards the direction of her smell. When he arrive she was on the floor laying in her own pool of blood. Staring blankly at the ceiling. Eyes so dull its almost as if she was...

"YUI!" Slowly she turns her head towards him. He ran up to her, when he reached her he gently cradled her. Looking back at her face he sees a bloody but peaceful smile on her.

"Thank you for everything my special vampire, I'm so sorry I have to leave you right now." Eyes slowing closing and becoming more dull. Breathing becoming more shallow. And heartbeat slowly fading into nonexistent.

"Thanks for everything." She whispered before her head rolled of to the side.

"Yui?" Crocodile tears flowing down his cheeks. "Yui?" Shaking her gently. After a few moments he panicked. "Yui! Yui! No, wake up you promised me." Before becoming more and more hysterical. "Come on you promised me. You promised me! Don't you fucking dare break your promise now! We made it this far. It'd be a waste if you broke it now. So, please," burying his face in the crook of her neck. "Please you promised me. I'm begging you. Wake up. Please I-I don't want to be alone again. I'm tired of being alone... so please I'm begging you wake up."

The black haired boy jolted up from his bed, breathing heavily, before slowly laying back in bed.

Even after all these years, he closed his eyes remembering, what he thought was her last, smile again, you're still on my mind. He opened his eyes glaring at his ceiling, I won't let anyone take you from me. You're mine. After all you promised you'd be by my side till the end of time. I'll make you remember even if you don't want to.

He was brought out of his thoughts by someone knocking.

"Breakfast is ready in 6 minutes."

Narrator's P. O. V

Beep! Beep! Be-Smash!

Damn it! I broke another one. Yui stretched before getting out of bed. Hmm, why do I feel like I'm forgetting something. After thinking for a few seconds she shrugged. It's probably nothing. After eating a quick breakfast she was about to leave for the store until she noticed something by her shoes. A note.

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