[Chapter 6]

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The sun starts to set and the sky is beginning to colour pink and orange. The members start to settle next to the river, just behind a tiny cliff on the edge of the river. It's not very high nor very wide. Sehyoon goes sit up on the cliff, just so that the others can only see his head looking up at the sky. As you see him up there you smile thinking that he's enjoying the view, but looking closely he looks troubled. Worried you go up and sit next to him on the right. He flinched knowing it's you, but doesn't change his gaze. He keeps looking up.
"What's wrong?" As soon as he hears you say that he looks down, his face even more troubled.
"To be frank, I..." he thinks of how to put his words. "I want to help. I want to help you save your world. Defeat Kazangan. But...I'm..I don't know if the others think the same. They probably just want to go home and I'm not sure if they'd agree with me." He keeps looking down, muffling his hands out of stress. "And I might not even be strong enough. Even if the other guys would help me, I'm not sure if even then we could defeat him. From what you told, he seems really really powerful."
"It's okay, you don't have to do this."
"But what about your world? It will die at this rate."
"I know...but you shouldn't feel responsible. It's our world, not yours. So it's our problem."
"But he's a human, from our world. So he is our responsibility." You stay silent for a minute, not knowing what to say to that. Then you take his hand in yours. Surprised, he focuses his gaze on the hands.
"Let's not worry about that now. For now our focus is to discover the others' powers and find his lair." He looks down again, worried. Then his focus goes back to your hands. So do you. He intertwines his fingers with yours. Your heartbeat suddenly rises, it feels as if a wave of electricity goes through your body. He starts rubbing your hand with his thumb. You start to feel a little hot, a soft blush forming on your cheeks. He looks really worried about you. You stay like that for a while, just looking at each other's hands.

The other members made a fire. You have dinner and the guys tell stories about earth, of how it is there. But also just funny stories. Everyone has a fun time, enjoying and laughing. Even Sehyoon. Although he stays more at the back, not saying much. Donghun takes out his shiny puff once more. It's really pretty when it's dark. Soon everyone starts to feel sleepy and falls asleep. It's been a long day.

The next morning you headed out.
J: "So where are we actually going to?"
"Oh, haven't I said that yet?"
DH: "No."
"It's Ora village. It stands for life and health. There's a lot of hot springs there and places to heal or relax."
CH: "Ooh. I wanna go to a hot spring!"
BK: "Me too!"
"Alright, alright." You giggle. "We can go to one in the evening."
"Woohoo," Chan and Byeongkwan scream, high fiving.
SY: "Wait, what's the main power in the village?"
"Healing mostly."
SY: "So someone of us could get healing powers."
CH: "Maybe Byeongkwan or Jun hyung!"
DH: "What about me? I also still don't have powers."
CH: "You wouldn't get healing powers, hyung. You'll get savage powers." Everyone bursts out laughing.
DH: "I already have those."
BK: "Ouch."

You arrive in the afternoon

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You arrive in the afternoon. Immediately you go to the Main Temple to get the new hidden message. This time Jun finds it outside and reads it out loud for everyone to hear.
°•~On a forgotten path a flower will bloom that takes the appearance of the night.~•°
DH: "Are you sure this isn't Chinese?"
J: "Donghun, please."
BK: "But he's right. I have no idea what this could mean." Everyone turns to you.
"Well don't look at me! I'm just as clueless as you guys."
SY: "...the appearance of the night...," he whispers to himself. "Maybe a flower that looks like a star or the moon?"
CH: "Or maybe dark blue."
"Could be."
BK: "But what would we need a flower for?"
"To find our way to the lair?...I don't know," you sigh.
J: "We'll find out. Once we need the clue we can look for a solution." The group agrees.

In the evening you all go to a hot spring where every one can finally properly relax, after coming to this world.
BK: "I can already feel the healing powers well up in me." He says as he leans against a rock in the hot spring, his eyes closed and smiling.
CH: "Very funny, Byeongkwan."
BK: "I'm serious," he laughs.
DH: "Despite that I'm still not a hundred percent sure if this is all real, I'm still enjoying this."
J: "Well that took you long enough."
DH: "Shut up, you didn't believe it was real at first either."
BK: "No one did except for Sehyoon. He didn't hesitate when he found this world." Sehyoon is looking down in the water.
CH: "I'm actually curious. What made you so sure it was real?"
SY: "I don't know. It was just this feeling... Maybe I wanted it to be real," he admits.
BK: "Maybe it's the girl," Byeongkwan smirks. Chan pokes him with his elbow.
CH: "Don't say that," Chan hisses to him. Everyone becomes quiet, Sehyoon blushing more than he wants to.

"The next village we're going to is called Ignis. It stands for fire and heat." You wake the boys up and head out. "This village is a little further than the other villages were."
J: "I've noticed that the distances keep getting bigger between villages."
"That's because we keep coming closer to Kul Tamar."
DH: "The closer we get, the scarier it sounds."
"Well, it's true that it's no fun place. It's an imperial city, where soldiers are made and trained. Where weapons are made. There isn't much more than that. It's made to make war. We're all afraid they might attack us someday. We have no idea how big the army is or how powerful Kazangan is, but we're all afraid." A painful silence falls, all the members feeling a little guilty for not offering their help. Sehyoon feeling that the most.
SY: "What would happen if we defeated Kazangan?" Everyone looks at Sehyoon in shock.
"He-he would...I think all the villages' powers would be released and I don't know what the army would do."
BK: "Isn't it that an army without it's leader can't do anything? I often see that in movies."
J: "Now's not the time for jokes, Byeongkwan."
SY: "Though he might be right. What if we really do defeat Kazangan, the army would surrender and your world would be safe!"
"He's too strong, his powers have grown so much the past century." You're starting to freak out a little. "You don't have to risk your lives for this world. What if something happened to one of you, I-I...would never forgive myself." Tears start to well up in your eyes. Sehyoon quickly places his arms around you, to comfort you.
SY: "Hey, it's alright. I won't bring it up again, okay?" He rubs your back with his hand. You nod in his chest. He slowly let's you go, looking at you with worry. "I'm sorry."
"It's okay. I overreacted," you wipe away the tears in the corner of your eyes.
J: "Come on." Jun gives you a comforting smile. You start walking again, Dongjun in front, Byeongchan in the middle, Sehyoon and you at the back.
"What's your favorite food from earth?" Sehyoon is a little taken aback by your question and blinks a few times.
"I think I'd be ramen."
"What is it?"
"It's a little similar to your gugsu* here... and it's in soup."
"Gugsu in soup? That...must be delicious!"
"It is," he smiles.
"I'd really like to taste it!" Me too. You notice his sudden change of expression as he looks down.
"Do you miss your world?"
"I do, and yet... I don't want to leave this world." I don't want to leave you.

*gugsu means noodles in Korean

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