Chapter One

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"This way! I think I saw him run this way!"

"I think I see some blonde hair behind that tree!"

"That's me Todd! Don't shoot!"

Daniel grimaced as he held his broken arm close and leaned against a tree. He tried to keep his breathing to a minimum, but the sudden jolt of pain in his arm made him inhale sharply.

"Over here! I thought I heard something!"

Shit, Daniel thought, trying to keep himself hidden.

Finally, he gave up on trying to hide behind the tree as the sound of footsteps came nearer and nearer, and took off deeper into the forest. He kept running and running, almost tripping over his own feet as the sound of footsteps faded away. Finally, there was no other sound except his own feet running and his breath coming out in pants. His legs suddenly gave out, and he collapsed to the ground, landing on his broken arm, making him cry out in pain.

I have to keep going, he muttered to himself through gritted teeth as he began to drag his body across the ground. One way or another i will complete my job.

About an hour had passed since Daniel escaped the prison, and he was still dragging himself across the ground. He wearily looked up and a thin smile came to his face when he saw the billboard. CAMP CAMPBELL WANTS YOU! He chuckled a little to himself as he remembered how everything went downhill. That idiotic, naive counselor. David. Why? Why did he have to agree to have a music battle with him? How could he have been distracted by something as dumb as that? He won't fail this time. He'll make sure about that.

Twenty more minutes passed before he came across the camp. The moon was high into the sky and it seemed as if everyone was asleep. Thinking that he could possibly walk on his own two legs, he propped himself up with his good arm, and stood on wobbly legs. He took a step forward, and collapsed in front of the counselor's cabin. I have to act like I was wrongly accused. I have to fool them all. Raising a hand I knocked loudly on the door.


"Gwen, go back to sleep, I'll check to see who's here."

Daniel heard some grumbling and footsteps approaching the door. He collected himself as the door opened.

"Welcome to Camp Campbell!" David greeted with a smile. "My name is David! Can I he-" He stared down at the man before him and his smile vanished. "D-Daniel?"

Daniel gave David a weary smile as he cradled his broken arm close.

"Hello, David."


"Bite down on this, Daniel."

David gave Daniel a scarf he found, and Daniel bit down on it as hard as he could. Taking Daniel's arm, David pushed the bone back into place, resulted in a muffled yelp from Daniel. David then took two planks of wood and placed them both on Daniel's arm. He then pulled off his shirt and wrapped it around Daniel's arm. He stood back, hands on his hips, and observed his work. Daniel looked at his arm as well, a grateful smile on his face.

"Oh! You must be hungry!" David suddenly perked up, before rummaging around his drawers.

"Starving," Daniel replied with a small chuckle.

"I'll see what I can gather from the QuarterMaster," David sighed as he pulled on an identical shirt to the one he wore when Daniel arrived. "Although, he might not be happy if I wake him up this late at night."

"He can't be that scary, can he?" Daniel let out a small laugh.

"You'd be surprised," David replied, letting out a small chuckle. "I'll be back, just lay down and rest. We don't want to wake up Gwen."

Daniel only nodded in reply, and laid down on David's bed. He closed his eyes, and without even meaning to, he fell into a deep sleep.


As soon as David stepped outside, he almost tripped over a small, black haired child.

"Oh, Max!" he exclaimed, smiling down at the young boy. "Why are you up this late?"

"Campbell was screaming in his sleep again and I heard it all the way in my tent," Max growled, rubbing his eyes. "Why the fuck is he here again?"

"Language," David scolded before he began walking towards the Mess Hall. "And the Millers said that we had to watch him until the end of summer."

Max shoved his hands into his hoodie's pocket and grumbled something under his breath.


"I-I didn't say anything, David," Max growled, rolling his eyes. "However, I do have a question for you."

"Yes, Max, what is it?" David asked with a yawn.

"Why are you going to the Mess Hall?"

"Just getting a late night snack so I have enough energy for another day full of fun camp activities!"

"You're energy is making me sick."

David only let out a chuckled and ruffled Max's hair, a little surprised that the boy let him. They both entered the Mess Hall and were easily able to find the food area. Max stuffed his hoodie with granola bars and pudding cups while David grabbed some instant noodles and some bread for Daniel. He also grabbed a few water bottles so Daniel wouldn't get dehydrated. Having everything they wanted, the two made their way out of the Mess Hall and back towards the counselor cabin. As they came closer to the cabin, David became nervous. Last time Max saw Daniel, he called him a cult leader, but somehow came to appreciate him more than David himself. David just shook his head and smiled, thinking that Max was just afraid of making a new friend, and after Daniel's quick exit, Max went back to normal. However, it would be too much of a surprise for Max if he just saw Daniel there, sleeping on David's bed. He finally made up his mind and turned to the boy.

"Hey Max, why don't you go and try to get some rest for tomorrow?" David suggested, smiling at him. "I'm sure Neil would appreciate the snacks you got as well."

"Yeah, sure, whatever Da...vid," Max yawned.

David's smile disappeared at Max's almost slip up as the boy made his way back to his tent. Did he really almost just call me dad? David shook his head and smiled again, mistaking it as his tiredness.

He gently opened the door, trying his best not to wake up Gwen or Daniel. Luckily for him, Gwen was passed out and he approached his bed. Daniel was passed out as well, but David knew that he had to wake Daniel up if he wanted food. David chuckled to himself before making a cup of the instant noodles, buttering the bread and making it toast, and gathering up a water bottle. Gathering up all the food on a small fold out table, he gently shook Daniel awake, and soon Daniel was sitting up, staring at the food in front of him.

"This was all I could find," David chuckled. "Eat up, buddy."

Daniel gave David a genuine smile before hungrily eating up the food. After he finished, Daniel let out a small sigh of content. David gathered the items and brought them out to the disposal. When he came back, he saw Daniel laying back down on the bed again. David smiled before gathering some extra blankets and some extra pillows, and making a makeshift bed by his own bed. He was about to fall asleep, but opened his eyes again when he heard his name.


"Yes, Daniel?"

"Thank you."

David only smiled at Daniel, before turning onto his side and fell fast asleep. Daniel turned onto his back, David's smile in his brain. He was so naive. So innocent. So dead.

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