Epilogue, Part 8: always be happy

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Taemin's P.O.V

"Jonghyun-hyung!" I called and waved him over with a tiny gesture so we wouldn't catch too much attention.

Despite the dark he managed to see me and came over. Under the light of the streetlamps Jonghyun-hyung walked over slowly his hand linked with that of a slim woman smiling brightly while they walked towards us.

"Taeminie, long time no see!" he greeted me happily and gave me a hug. I returned the hug and also went over to greet his girlfriend.

"Jonghyun-oppa, it's great to see you," Naeun-ah exclaimed. "How have you been doing?"
"Ah, just the usual. I've been working on my music. Composing songs, working for other people, working with other people. Singing from time to time. Just idling around, I guess," he smiled happily.

"How have you been doing?" Sekyung-noona asked with a warm smile.
"We've been doing great!" I answered while Naeun-ah went through her bag and took out the invitations.

They thanked us for the invitations and we started walking through the dimly lit park and Jonghyun-hyung started a conversation as Sekyung-noona asked Naeun-ah about the status of our wedding preparations.

"Ah, I was just about to ask how wedding preparations were going," Jonghyun-hyung remarked talking about the nearest subject. "All the others already called me to complain about the fact that our maknae was getting married before them. Everyone except for Minho, that is."

"I guess he's too busy being a father to complain about my marriage," I laughed.
"Ah, right. I still have yet to go see his newly born son," he cursed under his breath. "I've been so caught up in work, I didn't realize how time was passing outside my studio."

"It sure is," I agreed. "If you had taken a look at the calendar, you would have also had the opportunity to complain about me getting married first."

He laughed at that, "Did the others annoy you that much? It's okay. There's no need to rush. I will get married when the time's right. And maybe the right time might just come soon."

A subtle smile decorated his lips as he looked behind us at the first and seemingly last girl he wanted to keep by his side.
"Well, at this rate you're not the member we need to worry about," I sighed. "I think Jinki-hyung is still going to take his time before getting married."

"You say that as if you assume Jinki-hyung is going to get married," Jonghyun-hyung laughed and I gasped a little shocked at the remark.
"You're the youngest. You're not allowed to talk about him like that," he justified indicating that he was old enough. "And you're also not allowed to tell him I said that."

I nodded and relaxed my expression but actually worried about the possible truth of that statement.

As we kept walking and talking about small but significant things in our lives, I remembered the reason why I had to see Jonghyun-hyung specifically.

"Right, hyung, I still needed to ask you whether you would want to be my best man. At my wedding!" I immediately shot out not caring to build up momentum or anything.

"Sure I'd like that," he laughed. "But I don't have to dance with the bridesmaid, right?"
He glanced at Sekyung-noona. She didn't seem to be the kind of person to be jealous or anything about something as simple as a dance.

"It's not because of her," Jonghyun-hyung read my thoughts. "I just don't wish to dance with the bridesmaid, whoever the bridesmaid is going to be."

I nodded in understanding, "No, you don't have to."
I grinned at him before adding, "But you can try to catch the bouquet. I'm sure Sekyung-noona would be delighted!"

He laughed at my proposition but made a face as if he was seriously thinking about it.
He finally found the response he wanted and answered, "But in all honesty, if I actually were to catch the bouquet, I would give it to Jinki-hyung. He probably needs it more than me."

"Still, don't wait too long," I warned him. "You're getting old, hyung!"
"34 is not old!" he shot back. "Not everyone will publish their wedding announcement right after their discharge, Taeminie."

"It wasn't right after my discharge," I grumbled.
"It sure felt like that. It was right after our last album promotions ended."
"Yes, and that wasn't right after my discharge."
"Cheeky brat," he commented but I smiled satisfaction.

Jonghyun-hyung stopped as we were far ahead Naeun-ah and Sekyung-noona by now. He turned towards me and looked me directly in the eyes.

"Congratulations on finding the right person at the right time," Jonghyun-hyung gave his sincere blessings. "I hope you'll always be happy. You and the other members will always be a significant part of my life. I will always wish for your happiness."

"Me too, hyung," I smiled and held back a chuckle at the sight of small tears threatening to fall from his eyes. "I hope you'll find your happiness. I hope you'll always be happy. I hope you'll never suffer. I hope you'll let others make you happy."

He returned the smile and spoke in a soft voice, "Our maknae, Taeminie." Suddenly he pinched my cheek hard, "You've become a better lyricist!"

He laughed loudly while Naeun-ah and Sekyung-noona arrived and Sekyung-noona immediately went to his side to ask him what was so funny.

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