Chapter 30: It's okay

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Naeun's P.O.V

"Naeun-ah, time to stop moping around," Bomi-unni woke me up happily.

I sighed.
"Just because I told you guys about my worries yesterday, that doesn't mean they just disappear like that," I defended with closed eyes. "Besides, it's too early to get up or be energized."

"Early as in early in the morning or early as in 'you're still too concerned'?" Bomi-unni questioned my choice of words amused.

"Both," I replied and gave her a menacing look but failed that task as my eyes wouldn't open because the door opened and let in the bright sunlight just that moment.

"You have to get up and deal with your issues," Eunji-unni, who had opened the door, scolded me.

She then grinned brightly and winked at me cheerfully, "We actually have something to cheer you up! It's at the breakfast table. So, hurry up!"

I tolled my eyes. Why is it that my members think every problem can be solved with food?

But at the breakfast table sat a young and good-looking man. He wasn't necessarily the solution to my problems but definitely a big help.

"Good morning, Naeun-ah. How have you been?" Oppa asked as he stood up from the breakfast table and went over to give me a small peck on my cheek.

I just stood still and stared at him in awe as if he hasn't been my boyfriend for over a year already.

He chuckled and answered his own question by himself ignoring my lack of response, "Why am I even asking? If I didn't know, I wouldn't be here after all."

This time I gave a simple nod.
After that nod he smiled brightly but I knew it wasn't a natural smile but a smile he gave to cheer me up.
"Let's eat first," he said and led me to a chair. "I bright you guys some treats."

I sat down on the chair he had offered me and eyes his "some treats". He had brought donuts, beagles, biscuits and coffee.

I picked up a beagle filled with blueberries and took a bite.
I couldn't help but let out a loud mhmm at the blueberries and cream taste filling my senses.

I'll take back my words from earlier.  Food is the solution to everything! At least temporarily.

Oppa chuckled at my reaction and his cheekbones rose almost instantly. This time his smile was genuine.

I immediately felt happier myself and for a while I managed to forget about the reason why he was even here.
"Here's your phone," Eunji-shi gave me my phone back while Naeun-ah was getting ready.

I unlocked my phone. One missed call from our manager four days ago. I then opened my call log. A call from Naeun-ah last week. That's it.

Maybe my messages?

Jongin-ah: Hyung, is your flight today?

Jinie-hyung: Don't forget your wallet again!

Jongin-ah: Hyung, are you on the plane already?

Eomma: When are you coming home again? Bring Naeun-ah next time again.

Jongin-ah: You must have arrived by now.

Moonkyu: Where are you right now? Why aren't you answering Jongin?

Jongin-ah: Lee Taemin, did you lose your phone again?

Minho-hyung: Tell us when you've arrived.

Jongin-ah: Text me when you find your phone again, hyung.

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