The Little Mermaid Alternate Ending: The Fate of a Traitor

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One day, after Ursula's defeat, Triton wiped Eric's memory of Ariel away and left him on the beach to be found alive. Triton, though, promised himself he would not kill that one human, as the latter did the kingdom's life by ending the terror of the witch.

As much as he was glad Ariel was safe, he had just about enough of her and her ridiculous stunts and soon enough, hate consumed his heart. Therefore, Ariel was arrested immediatly and put into a prison, waiting for trial.

On the day of the trial, King Triton ignored the pang of guilt that peeked near his heart and proceeded to read the charge:

''The mermaid Ariel has been found guilty of treason, neglect of her royal duties and forbidded contact with the human world. By seeking the help of our late sworn ennemy, Ursula, she endangered all of the seven seas. Her sentence: BANNISHMENT FROM ATLANTICA AND REMOVAL OF HER TITLE OF PRINCESS!''

The crowd booed the frightened red-haired in shackles as she folornly swamm to the platform where the king was standing. Ariel was made to kneel in front of Triton, so that he would cut her long mane as further humiliation.

Ariel's lips trembled as a million tears cascaded down her cheeks, slowly turning her head towards her father, her eyes the epitome of fear and silent prayer for mercy. For a moment there, Triton's eyes wavered...but as the crowd chanted : ''CUT! CUT! CUT! CUT!...'', the venom of rage and revenge overtook him and he slashed his dagger downward...


Ariel gritted her teeth and began to sob as her beautiful hair was reduced to a messy, crude chunk of red. But Triton wasn't done. To make sure she would forever remember the extend of her crime, he had the guards force her to kneel even more, until her stomach touched the floor...and he blasted her back with a small ray of his powerful trident, leaving a painful burn mark on it.

As the crowd cheered for the justice they awaited for all the damage caused to the city, Triton crossed his mighty arms and, after raising his hand to silence everyone, he looked at the messy, traumatized daughter...Again, his gaze wavered, but he erased it and said, with a stern, low voice:

''Guards, escort the traitor to her new home.''

Ariel could scarcely get up and swimm after the blast and the mental torture and she sobbed her eyes out as the guards draggued her outside the palace and into the streets of the recovering Antlantica. Everyone looked at her with disgust and some even chanted an eerie refrain: ''TRAITOR! TRAITOR! TRAITOR! TRAITOR! TRAITOR!...''

Only Ariel's sisters, Sebastian and Flounder were not filled with hate as they silently wept for their condemned friend...

Suddenly, the desperate cries of the former princess resonated loud and clear as she turned and pleaded one last time:


Triton frowned with contempt.


But Triton only turned his head to the side, closing his eyes.


Ariel was abandonned at the same, deserted ocean bottom where the witch used to live. An excruciating reminder of all she did wrong for all eternity. Without hair, Without family...and with a wound on her back...

The headstrong, curious mermaid was no more. In its place was a lonesome, wrecked ex-princess who finally understood what she lost. After all, who needs such a stupidity as a human when you were once the princess of Atlantica?

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