"Attention guys!Tomorrow we are going to do a charity work.
We need 4 peoples in one group. You guys must decide now and..monitor?Please note who is not doing the task..Okay?"The class monitor just nodded
"Hey y/n..We need to search 2 more people to complete our group.." Rin said
"I know..But who?"
"I don't know"
"Hey can I join you guys?" Somebody asked
I saw 2 guy was sitting infront of us,smiling childishly to us.
"Yeah of course.." I said
"Now our group is completed!!" Rin shouted
Me and the 2 boy who recently just be our groupmates just laugh
"My name is Jimin and this is Taehyung.We are officially a best friend.." Jimin smiled
"But im not your best friend...." Taehyung said
"Shut up pabo or else I will smack your head" Replied Jimin
Rin and I just laugh
"My name is y/n..And this is Rin.." We just making a 'peace' symbol
"Guys please queque carefully!We don't want any of us got injured during this charity work..!" My teacher shouted..
"You're piece of sh*t!!" Somebody shouted
I turned and saw Jimin and Yoongi was fighting.I saw Yoongi lips was injured,maybe it was pounded by Jimin.Im not having a power of speech because Im too shocked.
Then I saw the student assembled making a round shape and the teacher were trying to calming them.
The bus was about to move,so the student,including Jimin,Yoongi and I entered it and sat on the each other seats.
"Hey Jimin what's going on about a few minutes ago?" I asked Jimin
He just quiet.
"Its okay if you dont want to tell me.." I said and move to my seat back...

Broken S1 || Min Yoongi ||
FanfictionA fanfiction about Yoongi,which is a guy that was gay but turned normal with y/n's help. (SORRY FOR THE CHILDISH STORYLINE I HOPE I CAN MAKE THE BEST FOR YOU ALL.PLEASE VOTE THIS STORY ???