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Allison: 16
Dean: 25
Sam: 22

     "You two go to the west side of the cemetery and I'll draw them in, straight to you guys," Dean says, unpacking the Impala. He hands Ally a machete and closes up the trunk.
     "And remember to aim for the head with ghouls," Dean says, looking to Allison.
     "I got it, Dean," Allison says, gripping her knife.
     "See you later," Sam says.
     "Please be careful." Allison smiles at Dean and he gives her a wink. Sam and Allison part from Dean and head towards the west end of the cemetery. They get to a good hiding spot under an old elm tree and crouch down.
     "Hopefully this works," Allison whispers and Sam smiles.
     "It probably will." He laughs as they hear Dean, far away, shouting.
     "Fresh meat! Right here, right now!" He yells and his siblings chuckle at their ridiculous older brother. A few twigs snap nearby and they suddenly lose their smiles.
     "Dammit." Sam grips his weapon tight, preparing to fight whatever lurks nearby.
     "They probably smell us," Allison says, tightening her grip on the handle of the machete until her knuckles turn white.
     "Get ready," Sam says and Allison nods.
     From behind, a ghoul tackles Sam and they begin to tousle in the dewy grass. Another ghoul grabs Allison's arm but she slices its head off before it can do anything more. Sam continues to struggle against the large ghoul and pulls his knife out from his jacket. The ghoul angrily knocks the knife out of Sam's hands, onto the grass. Allison rushes over to help her brother just as the ghoul picks Sam up and throws him against a headstone.
     If he did that to Sam...I don't stand a chance.
     "Allison, run!" Sam groans as the monster approaches Sam to feast on his flesh. Allison takes a deep breath and attacks the monster from behind, taking his head off with her machete. She grins at her accomplishment, wiping its blood off of her knife onto her pants.
     "Thanks," Sam says groggily but then looks up at his sister, horrified. Two ghouls charge Allison from behind before she even realizes that they're there.
     "You killed our brother!" They scream at Allison. The male monster throws Allison to the ground as the female ghoul retrieves Sam's knife.
     "NO!" Sam yells, scrambling to his feet, but another ghoul comes to hold him down, keeping him from saving his sister.
     "Sam!" Allison cries as the ghouls press her body into the cold, wet grass.
     "Delicious." The male ghoul runs his tongue over his sharp teeth. "I was getting tired of the old, crusty dead humans. It's about time for some fresh, succulent long-pig," he says, grinning at the squirming girl.
     "She killed Barney," the female reminds her brother. "As much as I'd like to dig in, she needs to suffer," she spits in Allison's face.
     "Get off of her!" Sam screams and just barely scrambles away from the ghoul that was holding him down.
     Still, the female ghoul plunges the knife into Allison's stomach, making her scream out in pain. The ghouls lecherously smile at their wounded prey until Sam limps towards them and slices their heads off with Allison's machete. He turns to the other ghoul, who was attempting to escape and tackles it to the ground; he decapitates the monster in 5 seconds flat. Sam breathes heavily and brings himself to his feet.
     "Sam?" Allison asks weakly. He limps over to her and grimaces as he falls to his knees. He lifts up her shirt, exposing a deep cut in her stomach that is gushing warm, crimson blood.
     "Is it bad?" Allison wheezes.
     "You're gonna be okay." Sam offers a sad smile just as Dean is seen sprinting across the graveyard towards his siblings.
     "They knew it was a trap and there were more than I thought—is she hurt?" Dean says, his tone changing from explanatory to panicked. Dean lifts up her shirt and sees the gaping wound in his sister's soft little tummy. Dean sighs and tries to smile.
     "Hey! You're okay." Dean holds back his own tears.
     "That bad?" Allison laboriously breathes. Sam, suddenly very determined, picks her up and places her hand on her wound.
     "Apply pressure until we get to the hospital. We aren't going to lose you, Ally."
     "Okay, Sam," Allison says groggily.
     "Dean, go get the car!" Sam orders and Dean nods, a little taken aback by his brother.
Sam starts to jog after Dean towards the Impala, his dying sister trembling in his arms.
     "You gotta stay awake, Al," Sam whimpers.
     "Okay, Sam."
     Tears fall down Sam's face as he nears the Impala. Dean opens the backseat door and they place her in the backseat, lying down.
     "Stay awake, Al," Sam says as Dean starts to speed down the road, towards the closest hospital.
      "Stay awake."

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