Demons Just Wanna Have Fun

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This is a request from @a66ielane!

Allison: 22
Dean: 31
Sam: 28
Charlie: 29

"She's gonna be here any minute, Dean. Maybe you should change out of your boxers." Allison rolls her eyes at her brother who lays on the couch eating Muddy Buddies.
"It's just Charlie." Dean says with a mouthful.
"She's still gonna be our guest." Sam says, tidying up around the living room. "Seriously, dude, get up."
"Fine." Dean sighs and heads to his bedroom to change as a knock is heard at the the bunker's front door. Allison runs up the stairs and opens up the door.
"Charlie!" Allison grins and hugs the spunky red head.
"Hey, girl." Charlie smiles at her as they pull away from the hug. "Where are the boys?"
"Down here!" Sam calls. Allison takes Charlie's bag as Charlie hops down the stairs. Sam embraces Charlie and spins her around.
"Easy, Sam!" Charlie laughs.
"It's so good to see you." Sam smiles as he puts her down.
"Where's the other nincompoop?" Charlie sighs.
"I don't know who you're talking about." Dean says from behind and gives her a big hug.
"I always forget how touchy you people are!" Charlie says with a chuckle. "Any big plans for the weekend?"
"Well, I'm making dinner tonight and maybe we can go out for drinks." Allison says.
"I say strip club." Dean says.
"Yes!" Charlie high fives Dean.
"She's turning the big 3-0! We gotta do it right." Dean says off of a disapproving look from Sam.
"We can figure it out later." Charlie shrugs with a smile. "I'm just happy to be here!"


"Wow! Great dinner! Thanks, Allison." Charlie says.
"My pleasure. Happy Birthday." Allison smiles. Sam cleans up the kitchen and Allison grabs the trash. She takes the trash out to the curb and admires the sun setting in the bright Kansas sky. Suddenly, a black cloud of smoke runs into Allison and knocks her to her feet. While she once had an anti-possession tattoo, Allison had it removed for a case where Crowley needed a human vessel. The demon enters her body and while Allison tries to fight against the demon, the demon is far too powerful and she eventually loses the fight. Allison stands up, brushes off the dirt and heads inside the bunker.
"Hey, did you make a cake for tonight?" Sam asks as Allison enters the kitchen.
"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. Does it matter?" The demon says and Sam gives Allison a weird look.
"You okay?" Sam asks.
"Yeah, sorry. Just a little tense. Try the fridge." The demon says and Sam nods. Allison walks out of the kitchen and into her bedroom. She closes the door and opens up the closet. The demon sighs at the sight of all the flannels.
"Do you have anything wearable?" The demon scoffs and starts tearing through the closet. "This might work." Allison grins at a short black dress in the back of the closet. She unbuttons the shirt she has on and takes off her pants, leaving her in her lacy black underwear. "Not bad, Miss Winchester." The demon says as she eyes her curvy body in the mirror. She pulls the dress on and smooths it down over her slim waist and wide hips. "Hot damn. We look good." The demon says. She applies some makeup and hair products to complete her sexed up look. Allison then grabs a pair of heels and silently sneaks out of her room. She grabs Dean's keys out of his leather jacket that lies on his bed and sneaks out through the back door of the bunker.


"Hey, Ally! We're cutting the cake!" Dean calls down the hall. "And then..." Dean imitates a stripper for Charlie (sound effects included), making her burst out laughing.
"Please don't ever do that again." Sam says.
"I think you made me even more gay." Charlie snorts. The laughter dies down and they still don't hear Allison coming.
"Allison?" Sam calls. He walks down the hall and pokes his head in her room. "Dean!"
Dean and Charlie run down the hall and look inside Allison's room.
"What happened?" Charlie asks, referencing the mess the demon made.
"No clue." Sam says.
"Ally!" Dean yells down the hall of the bunker, now worried. There is no response. "Where did she go? Did someone take her?" Dean goes and grabs his jacket and frowns when his keys aren't in his pocket.
"What's wrong?" Charlie asks.
"My keys. She took my goddamn keys!" Dean yells.
"Dean, calm down." Sam says as he goes to see if the Impala is still parked outside.
"Would Allison really make a mess of her room, steal your keys, and just dip?" Charlie asks and Dean shakes his head, confused.
"Yeah, the car is gone. She was acting weird when she came back from taking the trash out." Sam remarks.
"The tattoo! She never got the damn thing redone!" Dean says and Sam sighs.
"What?" Charlie asks.
"Our anti-possession tattoo. She got it removed for a case we did awhile back. She never got it redone." Sam says. "She must be possessed."
"Well...what do we do?" Charlie asks.
"Let's go into town and try to find baby." Dean says.
"Can we take your car, Charlie?" Sam asks.
"Sure thing." Charlie says and they head out the door.

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