New Instructor, New Clothes

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Chapter Seven

Once again, Harry was spat out of the fireplace and onto the floor. Sighing unhappily, Harry glared at Blaise enviously as Blaise stepped slowly out of the fire looking completely unruffled. Catching sight of Harry who lay sprawled on the floor, Blaise reached out and pulled Harry up.

"Harry, I think we should include magical transport into your lessons." Blaise said half-jokingly.


"Yes. As the Heir to several noble houses and a Sky, you will have to learn more about etiquette, politics, history, dancing, self-defence, paperwork filling, magic, flames, occlumency, diplomacy, painting, poetry... Did I miss any?" Blaise rattled off a whole list of lessons that Harry was expected to take.

"Paperwork filling? Poetry?" Harry stared at Blaise as though he had grown another head. What was the point of learning poetry?

"As a Lord and a Boss, you must be prepared for anything and everything. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best." A voice spoke up from behind Harry.

"W-what? Since when were you there?" Harry whipped around, his wand in his hand. He did not recognize the voice and as it seemed, neither did Blaise. Blaise had darted in front of Harry, slightly crouched down, ready to spring at the man standing in front of him. Something shiny glinted from between Blaise's knuckles. Needles? As Harry looked closer, he was stunned to see that they were needles.

"Heir Zabini, you do your family proud. I am Jin Harou. Heir Potter, you will call me Jin-sensei."

Harry was flabbergasted at the appearance of the man. Wasn't this the man the shop owner Armel told him to contact for tutoring? Why was he here if he hadn't even tried to contact the man yet?

"Jin-sensei, not the man." The man, or Jin-sensei as he had asked to be called smiled beatifically at Harry as he opened a shining silver fan which he then used to fan himself lightly. Shivering, Harry inched away slowly, the smile on Jin's face painfully bright.

"Yes, Jin-sensei..." spoke Harry, feeling rather nervous. Blaise continued to look at Jin cautiously.

"How did you get through the wards?"

"Isn't it obvious? I was invited in to look at my new student." A smirk played on the lips of Jin as he continued fanning himself.

"He was indeed invited by me. Signore Armel sent me a message and I then contacted Jin-san to come and teach Harry. In fact, we have come up with a list of what you need to study."

Jin immediately pulled out a slip of paper which was hidden in his sleeves, passing it to Harry to take a look.


Monday, Wednesday, Friday

06.30 - Morning run

07.15 - Katas

08.00 - Break (Shower, etc.)

08.30 - Breakfast

09.00 - Art lessons

10.00 - Etiquette

11.00 - Dance lessons (Waltz/Ballet)

12.30 - Break

01.00 - Lunch

01.45 - Magic Studies

02.45 - Math

04.00 - Break

05.00 - Katas

07.00 - Dinner

07.45 - Languages (English/Chinese/Italian/Japanese... choose 3 more)

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