All Better Now

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Chapter Five

Closing his eyes tightly, Harry tried to block out the light coming from the windows. The curtains on the window were pulled apart allowing the light to stream into the room. Turning away from the window, Harry tried to go back to sleep.

Wait, when did he have curtain on his windows? Not to mention the softness of his bed and silkiness of his covers. Abruptly sitting up, all traces of sleep were immediately eradicated. Where was he? Scanning the room he was in, he realised that he was lying on a king-sized bed in an extravagantly decorated room.

A loud crack was heard, breaking the silence in the room.

Harry whipped around only to see a pair of huge green eyes staring at him. "Dobby?"

"Master Harry remembers Dobby?" Dobby eyes immediately teared up as he watched Harry with utter devotion.

"Ummm yeah... Call me Harry. Anyway, Dobby, what exactly are you doing here?" asked Harry feeling slightly disturbed.

"Dobby will not! Master Harry is Master Harry! Dobby has come to call Master Harry for breakfast with the Zabinis." cried out Dobby as he refused to call Harry anything else which was not 'Master Harry'. Glaring at Dobby, Harry gave up trying to get Dobby to call him by his name as it was clear that Dobby was not going to change his mind anytime soon.

"Dobby, can you wait outside while I change? Thank you."

As soon as he finished talking, Dobby's faced gained a worshipful expression. Harry immediately turned pale as he remembered the last time he thanked Dobby. To put it simply, a lot of crying was involved. Cringing slightly, Harry walked Dobby to the door before quickly closing the door. Then, turning back to his room, he wondered what he was to wear. From what he had heard in primary school from one of the teachers, dressing well was a priority in Italy.

There was just one small problem. He didn't think that Dudley's castoffs or his school uniform would be considered appropriate to wear. Standing in front of his trunk which was placed at the side of his room, Harry frowned slightly as tried to figure out what to wear. Just then, a knock at his door was heard before the door was slowly pushed open.

"Harry, madre told me to bring you some clothes to wear." Blaise stood at the entrance of his room, a stack of neatly folded clothes in his arms. "You'll have to wear my old clothes for now until we can get you tailored for a set of new clothes which aren't the trash which you were wearing yesterday."

Blushing slightly, Harry accepted the clothes from Blaise.

"I'll wait outside your room. I hope you don't mind, but I told your house elf to leave and help out elsewhere." spoke Blaise as he left the room closing the the door behind him.

Looking through the stack of clothes, Harry picked out a pair of black jeans as well as a dark green polo T-shirt to wear. Sighing helplessly as he looked at his reflection after dressing, Harry tried to pull up his jeans and stop the sleeve from slipping off his shoulder slightly. He really was too small compared to Blaise.

Sulkily pushing open the door, he was greeted by Blaise's laughter.

"Potter, the clothes really don't fit you. You'll have to endure a bit longer since I'm not very good at altering charms."

"Call me Harry. Your mother already does so, you know." stated Harry, feeling annoyed by Blaise's laughter.

"Very well then, Harry. Anyway follow me to the dining room." Blaise adjusted Harry's shirt slightly before motioning for Harry to follow him.

As they strode through the lavishly decorated halls, Harry noticed many portraits decorating the halls along with beautifully polished weapons. The lethal weapons seems to emanate an aura of bloodlust causing Harry to feel slightly uneasy as he walked past them.

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