Killer Pre-Confessing

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Kenny pushed open the cool playground door to reveal the whole scene. Snow draped across every item of play, the slide the monkey bars, the wood chips, everything. He noticed the boy he was looking for was sitting under the slide so he wouldn't get snowed on. He looked to be doing something. Kenny pulled up his mouth piece and walked over to his friend.
"Hry brttrs" he mumbled
"O-Oh! Hey ken! What are you doin out here? It's cold" he said smiling back. It looks like the snow had bitten his cheeks, ears and nose. But he still wore a smile brighter than the red on his face.
"I wrntrd tr thrnk yr"
"I wrntrd tr THRNK yr"
"I can't understand you" he said chuckling
Kenny huffed and unzipped his jacket from his mouth.
"I wanted to THANK you for giving my sister lunch (stupid fucking hoodie) it's actually not often she gets to eat like that so it means a lot " he said crossing his arms . He noticed now what butters was doing, he was drawing. Butters set his sketchbook and pencil down, standing up.
"It was really nothin, I get lunch all the time and that BITCH of a lunch lady wouldn't let her get what she wanted " he said angrilly. He brushed off his butt, removing the fresh dirt and woodchips.
"Oh hamburgers that got on my sketchbook"
"Whatcha drawin?" He said pointing at the book
"Is it porn?"
Butters blushed and scoffed
"N-NO! It's Uhm, nothing. Nothing of importance at least . Why what does it mean to you?" He said raising a brow and looking at Kenny
He put his hands up and nodded his head
"Juuuuust wondering"
Butters lightened his expression and picked the sketchbook up, brushing off the dirt and opening to the page he was working on last.  He revealed a pretty good (really good actually for a 10 year old) drawing of a litter of bunnies , tenderly sleeping in a blanketed basket.
His eyes darted to the snow as Kenny's gawked at the drawing
"Dude you have fucking talent , holy shit?" He said eyes opened wide
"R-really? It's not finished...and I don't really like the way I drew the fu-"
Kenny cut him off to praise him more
"The fur looks real as fuck, and the baskets super detailed dude. Are you in art class?"
Butters nodded no, and smiled cutely.
"I uH, I have a lot of time on my hands at home especially on the weekends... you wouldn't believe it hehe..." he said closing the sketchbook promptly.
"Anyways we should probably go back in, recess doesn't start for another 13 minutes and I don't want to freeze ! Plus I gotta get this into my locker" he said grabbing Kenny's hand
"Onwards!" Kenny said, letting butters drag him inside. The temperature changed drastically , getting hotter by the minute. Butters fluttered at the warmth and held his sketchbook behind him. He noticed cartman was walking their way.
"Hey fags, what's goin on?" He eyed down butters and then Kenny
"Nothing really , just chilling, you fatass?" Kenny said smirking and cocking his head
"Unlike you two gaywads I'm not suckin dick before recess, I'm gettin myself out there to REAL women" he said dramatically posing
"What's in your hand butters? Other than your penis. A note confessing your undying love for kenny? Is that why you fags are holding hands?" Cartman said smirking
Butters and Kenny looked at each other and blushed, this time not from cold temperatures.
"N-none of your business cartman" the blue jacketed boy said roughly .
"C'mon I just wanna peaaaak" he said trying to get around him, but Kenny put a prompt hand on Eric's shoulder
"Dude just leave him alone, seriously"
"When did you become such a party pooper eh? " Eric started taunting
"Keeeennys a party pooper keeennys a party pooper~"
"dude shut up before I smack you"
"Seriously cartman, I'm just holding a book okay?"
Butters said trying to leave to go to his locker , but Eric had grabbed the book from him
"Ooooh is this wear you draw all your secret porn?"
He said flipping through the thick pages of paper
"Wooow this ones sorta queer, look kenny!"
He pointed out a picture butters had drawn of kenny with a dashing blush on his face, and it was VERY detailed and colored.
"Eric KNOCK IT OFF." Butters said angrily, his face expression only being rage
"Awww what does mr stotch have a gay crush on kenny?" He said flipping more
"Ooh more of kenny!"
"THATS ENOUGH" Butters said, putting all of his force into his fist, jamming it into Eric's face. One punch after the other, kenny watched as this sweet boy beat the fuck out of Eric Theodore Cartman. Kenny in all honesty, got an awkward boner.
The classmates gathered around and cheered for butters , screaming
'Fight!' 'Go gO gO!!' 'WOO BUTTERS!'
Butters got the last punch in his system out, and spat on Eric. Jesus. That was ... very pent up anger.
Eric's nose was beyond bloodied and his eye was already starting to puff up. Tears ran down his cheeks as ringing filled his ears.
"K-Killer..."was his last word before he blacked out
Butters got off of cartman, frowning and tearing up.
He said screaming
He kicked cartman in the gut, the boy being knocked out
He kicked again
He kicked again, this time much weaker
"AND THIS...this is for making me feel worthless."
He breathed and took a break, breathing heavily. Everyone was looking at butters, including Karen. Most where praising him for finally sticking up for himself, especially Kyle, and kenny, but, butters felt horrible. He grabbed his sketch book and slammed the front shut, leaving the scene. A piece of paper slipped from the sketchbook and fell onto the floor, and Kenny took it.
"Butters you dropped!...your...paper." He read the beginning of it
'Dear kenny'

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