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once everyone got back from dinner, it was almost midnight. everyone was going straight to their rooms. tony went to the kitchen and poured himself a glass of scotch.

"hey tony, can i talk to you?" natasha said while creeping up on tony.

"oh, uh sure. what's up?" tony turned around.

"so, i talked to pepper about what you said two days ago."

"oh right. what did she say?" tony asked.

"she didn't seem mad, but she didn't look happy. probably felt the same way you did. she told me to tell you that your relationship is done." natasha pursed her lips.

"thank you." nat nodded and walked off to the elevator. it was just tony alone in the kitchen. at least that's what he thought.

"don't drink. you won't stop and you'll end up fucking one of us here." bucky chucked as he entered the room. tony gave him a glare.

"you need anything?" tony asked.

"nah, just getting a drink. a drink of water." bucky grabbed a glass and started filling it up from water from the fridge.

"also, you never talked to me about why peter didn't walk back with us after ice cream." bucky sipped his water.

"you're seriously upset about that?" tony sighed, "he was sad and angry about his aunt and what has been happening these past days. he was tired and wanted a ride back."

"cool. i didn't really care that much, just messing with you." tony scrunched his face in confusion.

"well, i guess i'll be heading to bed." tony finished the cup and head over into the elevator. he pressed the key taking him to his lab, cause who really needs rest?

once tony was in his lab, he was in there for a long time. he'll usually get distracted and work on project after project after project. the only one who can get him out of there was bruce and peter (if emergency).

it was almost 2am when tony was fixing a repulser on his suit when he heard a knock on the glass doors to the lab. he paused his music and turned around to see peter with a throw blanket draped over his shoulders.

"fri, open the doors." the glass door slid open and peter entered the room.

"what's up?" tony asked.

"couldn't sleep. got bored just sitting there. i figured you would be in here." peter sat on a stool and rested his head in his arms on a table with small inventions and gadgets placed around.

"something keeping you up?" tony set down tools that were in his hands and sat on a stool across from peter.

"i dunno. i'm feeling a lot of things right now. also ned isn't texting me as much as he used to, don't know what's up with that." peter shrugged.

"i don't know what to tell you kid, do you want to stay down here in the lab with me? i mean you don't need to help with anything, you can just sit there or we can talk."

"yeah sure. you can get back to whatever you were doing." peter waved a hand and tony nodded. he went back to his spot with a laptop and tools. the sound and sight of tony working gave peter that feeling he couldn't understand.

"hey kiddo, can you grab that blue glowey thing next to you. pete?" tony turned around after a few minutes to find peter fast asleep in the same position he was before. tony grinned and carefully carried him to the sofa in his lab. peter stirred and tony kissed the top of his forehead.

tony continued to work, but was still being distracted by peter. he'd turn around almost every second to make sure he was safe. after about ten minutes, tony sighed and went over by peter. he grabbed an extra blanket in a cabinet and laid on a couch near the one peter was on. he covered himself up and turned a few times.

"friday, turn the light off." tony commanded half asleep. the room went dark and tony had a much easier time sleeping. he fell asleep within seconds and the room was silent.

sorry this is so short! it's only 630 words,, but it doesn't have anything bad so i hope that makes up for it😂

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