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we are a team. we protect each other

"WATCH WHERE YOU fucking claw, you asshole!" Stiles yelled out, nearly missing claws as they were thrusted towards him

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"WATCH WHERE YOU fucking claw, you asshole!" Stiles yelled out, nearly missing claws as they were thrusted towards him. He held up his middle finger angrily at the stupid, ugly monster that wanted to tear him apart.

He is now on day three of being a Shadowhunter and the group has already decided he was 'worthy' enough to come on a mission with him.

As you can tell, it wasn't going exactly as planned.

"Stiles!" Clary shouted, her voice off in the distance, worried about her cousin. "Stiles!" He quickly turned around to look in her direction, but that was a big mistake. He was thrown to the side, his shoulder being the first thing to come in contact with the brick wall that had been about five feet away from him.

"Ow," he groaned, closing his eyes harshly from the pain. He sucked in a breath and pushed himself up into a standing position. But, as he did so, the squid looking monster jumped in front of him, screeching. "Fuck me!" He screamed in surprise, reaching for his seraph blade, but with his bad arm, so he ended up hissing in pain and dropping the only weapon he had on him.

Taking in a shaky breath, the Stilinski boy pressed himself against the wall. All he wanted to do was close his eyes so he couldn't see his own death coming, but he couldn't even blink.

And right before it reached him and tear him into a million little Stiles pieces, Alec came out of nowhere, jumped in the space that was left between him and the monster, and efficiently stabbed it. The thing blew up into a big dust ball, reminding Stiles of some type of Percy Jackson Monster.

Stiles let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding as his legs began to feel like jelly. His knees buckled from beneath him, and he could feel himself falling. He didn't know if it was from shock or exhaustion, but either way, he was overly grateful that Alec was there as the taller boy held him up by his arms. Slowly looking up, Stiles was met by two piercing blue eyes that were filled with worry.

Worry for him.

Stiles' heart picked up its speed at this realization. Alec was worried for him. The simple thought warmed him up and he couldn't help but smile. He probably looked like a sociopath, but he didn't care. Alec was worried about him.

"Are you okay?" His voice was gruff and he looked slightly trouble as his hands gripped Stiles' arms tightly. It was probably to make sure that he was there. Or maybe to comfort him.

To steady himself even more, Stiles gripped his biceps; and pulled himself up so now that he was standing properly.


That is when Stiles realized that he hadn't answered Alec, but before he could settle his worry, the brown eyed boy spotted one of the scaly monsters coming up from behind Alec.

Instead of answering him like he wanted, Stiles swiftly took Alec's seraph blade from his pants' waist, swerved around him, stabbing the demon. A burst of pain shot upon his arm and he gasped loudly.


The Stilinski boy fell to the concrete, holding his sore shoulder, eyebrows pinched together in pain.

"I'm okay!" He all but shouted, shoulder hurting more thanks to the stunt he had just pulled. Hs was once again grabbed by the handsome god also known as Alec. The blue eyed boy grabbed his face in one of his hands and looked him up and down, making sure he was okay. His eyes then zeroed in on the hand on Stiles' shoulder and touched it lightly, making the younger boy wince.

"Do you trust me?" Alec asked, swallowing thickly, tearing his eyes away form Stiles' wound, and up into his eyes. He never thought he would find hazel eyes beautiful, but here he was.


"Do you trust me?"

"Wha–yes. Yes, I trust you, Alec." Stiles nodded shakily, giving the older boy a confused look as he pulled out a pen looking thing.

"This might hurt," Alec breathed out before bringing the pen looking thing closer to his neck. Stiles tilted his head slightly as the pen began to glow as it touched his skin.

Stiles hissed in pain as he felt something burning him. "Ow!" He winced, brows pinched together from both confusion and pain. "What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm trying to take care of you, so stay still." Alec pushed his head back to the side a little, the stinging getting a little worse. "Now once this rune kicks in, your shoulder will heal." He pulled away from Stiles, his right hand lingering on his neck. His slim fingers were pressed lightly to his pulse point before he coughed awkwardly and removed them, his cheeks flushed as he looked Stiles in the eyes. "Is it working yet?"

It took Stiles a moment to process his words thanks to getting lost in his beautiful eyes. They seemed a shade lighter than usual. He cleared his throat and slowly jogged his shoulder, expecting pain, but there wasn't much.

"Yeah. Yeah." Stiles nodded his head. "It feels so much better. Like a lot better. A hundred percent better. Yup. Yuppers. Have I mentioned that it feels amazing? Totally amazing. Mhmm." He nodded his head, face heating up in embarrassment as realization dawned on him that he was rambling. "Uh, yeah. It feels good." He grimaced as he looked at Alec's amused face that held adoration.

Wait, adoration? Why is he showing adoration towards me? Is it because I was being stupid? Oh god, I totally ruined any chance I could have with him. Wait, chances? Why am I thinking about chances? I don't like him, do I? I mean, I know he's hot and all. Like really really hot but that doesn't mean I like him — Stiles ranted in his mind, frowning deeply.

That's when it hit him. He has a crush on Alec. Like a really big one. Like a huge crater of a crush that he, somehow knew, he could never get rid of no matter how hard he would try. There was no getting rid of Alexander Lightwood.


The boy in question hummed before clearing his throat, pulling himself out of his thoughts, knowing fully-well that his face must've been as red as a fire tomato.

"Come on. We must get back to the Institute." Alec grabbed his hand — probably without thinking, Stiles rationalized — and pulled him along with him.

Stiles' heart was pounding against his chest at the feeling of Alec's skin touching his. His hand fit perfectly in his, almost like it was meant to be.

"Yeah, uh, yeah, let's get back to the Institute."

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