You may be wondering why we're doing this. Yes, B is more than one person. Thats the first reveal you are going to get.
B and my partner, A.B (I know you loved A.D, so here's my partner) are playing this game for a reason. We're not telling you yet, you need to find out. this account of wattled will be active this 20 days left, so be aware of that.
I'm here to explain he game. Every day, we'll play something different, and if you win, we won't send pictures to persons. you might think "son solo fotos con un fake en ellas". Well, wait until you know who we want to send them to.
Does it feel good? Being messed by A? Or should I say B?
Every Monday you'll have one chance to find out who I am, but you'll only have one name. Para que lo entendais, todos los lunes podréis decirnos un nombre, y si acertáis y ese nombre esta en nuestro equipo, os lo decimos.
Get ready, bitches. We want to make you pay. You will if you don't play.