Chapter 9

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☆Your Perspective☆
He... loves me. He said he loves me and that I'm his. The insanity faded from my blood as I try to curl closer to him. "You don't have to say anything yet (Y/N). I'll wait for you," he whispers. I felt a tear roll down my face and I wipe it away quickly and smile up at him. "I fell for you the day we met. But I never thought that you would fall for a person you couldn't touch," I said. He's "eyes" widen in surprise then he tells me to follow him which I do. I find myself in Slender's office but he pulls a lever on his desk which opens up secret door in the bookshelf. "After you my dear," he requests with a blush and I float through the door to find myself in a lab with Splenderman and Trenderman working with a few bottles and potions. Slender walks up to the two with determination in his voice, "How close are we?" Trender looks up at us and nods his head, "a tear from her and blood from you brother and its done." I raise my hand being lost to what's going on, "Slenderman, what's going on? And why do your brothers need my tear and your blood?" There was a snap of bones and the sickly sound of flesh ripping and reattaching as I watch Slender's body transform into a handsome young man. He's eyes, that he normally doesn't have, were a deep hazel that told stories of a future...his future. I dare not hope for our future together in case fate decides that he was done playing with me. "This potion will make you physical again, almost alive in a sense. The tear is so that it keeps your insanity defense touch and ghostly aspects while the blood grants your body the mortal touch and feel and warmth that you once had," Splender explains with a joyous clap he's tiny bells jingle with his excitement. I look at the humanized Slender and he smiles down at me. "My dear, do you remember earlier today how I wanted to discuss making you physical again. We'll we've been working on this potion for 7 months and I wanted to repay your kindness towards my family and my proxies. I also want this to be my way of giving you everything you want and need." He picks up the scalpel on the table and makes a light cut on his finger. The crimson droplet grows in size as the blood oozes from the cut and into the blue potion. "You did this for me? I'm not worthy of such kindness Slenderman, I've done what I would've done if I were you're proxy." I lowered my head as an overwhelmed sea of emotions flood my body. A tear drips out of my eyes and Trender catches it in a small vial before dumping the contents into the potion. "My proxies would help each other but nothing beyond emotional connections and motherly love. That's what separates you from the rest of them, " Slender says to me before a feel droplets of mist covering my being.

☆Slender's Perspective☆
I prayed that this potion will work. I used my human form instead of my true form which was ment to bind and turn lost souls into my creepypasta proxies. She's with more than being just another proxy to give out millions of missions to. She's my mate and she deserves much better than that. My proxies deserve a perfect mother like role model, nothing like Nurse Anne. I watch as her transparent body becomes palpable, her beautiful (h/l) (h/c) that once seems to be flowing to some unknown breeze now settles down along her back. Her ghostly pale skin now returns to its living (s/c) that complements her natural beauty. "How do you feel (Y/N)?" I could hear the concern in Trenderman's voice when he asks. I watch her as she jumps up and floats for a while then walk over to Splender and touches his shoulder. "Warm...Splender you're so warm," she says excitedly before rushing over to Trender who was holding a bright red apple and taking a bite out of the sinful fruit. "Mmmmm... is this what apples taste like?! It's sweeter than I've ever imagine!" I couldn't help my smile that was growing on my face as my mate experiences life all over again. Finally she timidly steps towards me and takes my hands into hers. I felt my heart jump out of my chest as our skin touched.

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