Chapter 11

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☆Slender's Perspective☆
I turn my back to Anne as I watch (Y/N) be taken away. I could feel the pain in her heart when Anne lied about being my fiancee, I don't have feeling for Anne not after everything she did to us. Slim fingers run up my back causing my tentacles to wrap itself around her neck. With a hiss, I threw get out the door her body slamming through two trees before cracking the last tree. Toby shuts the door and locks it, some of the newer members looks at me confused while the original group was steaming with rage. I turn my back to the group and head to my room, my rage and disgust slowly rolling off my body as I near the room. After slipping into the room quietly, my two wonderful lights of my life were curled up in my bed fast asleep. (Y/N) was gorgeous when she's awake, but now when she's asleep words couldn't describe her beauty. I quietly changed into pajamas and slip into bed, Sally curled up in between us. I wouldn't be able to control myself if my skin and hers touched in our sleep. She's so perfect but I couldn't help fear that she won't accept to be with me forever. I let the sandman do his job and carry me off to my murderous dreams.

☆Your Perspective☆
I woke up on something warm and solid as something wraps around my waist. I nearly jumped up and screamed until I saw what/who it was that I was sleeping on. A nicely built, sleeping Slenderman he's arm firmly wrapped around my hips as he pulled me back to his chest. "Stay a little bit longer," he murmurs as I felt something poking my thigh and immediately turned redder than red. I squirm and pushed against his body, trying to put space between us. After three minutes of struggling, Slender wakes up as he stares at me turning he's pale face blood red. "Good morning," I whisper. We both sit up and I fight down the surge of disappointment that built up in my stomach, I wanted to stay like that just a bit longer. "(Y/N), would you like to join me for breakfast then perhaps a walk around the house?" He was blushing harder which made him adorable, I was about to respond when I hear yelling downstairs. "JEFF I'M GOING TO MURDER YOU!" Toby and Masky unison rage echoes through the house. "Let's see what the problem is then we can get back to that question," Slender said as he teleport out of the room. I phase through the floor to find three empty waffle boxes and cheesecake containers scattered around the floor. Jeff had all the evidence all over his face, Slender was holding the two enraged proxies by their hoods as the squirm and struggle to attack. "Toby and Tim, calm down before Slender chops you two up for dinner tonight. Jeff, you're cleaning this mess up and replacing everything that wasn't yours." Jeff snorts and turned his back to me before calling "In your fucking dreams you medieval slut." Everyone was still for a few seconds before I tackle Jeff fo the ground. "I guess I have to earn your respect the old fashion way," I mumble before slamming Jeff's face into the hard wood floor. Blood pours from his nose but I wasn't done yet, I threw him through the kitchen wall into the living room. "Slender maybe your master but im the owner of this house, Joker wanna be," I snapped my nails shaping into claws as I felt my sanity slip. With one brutally swift and bone breaking kick Jeff's body slides to the front door, a long blood trail follows in suit. I crouch down so that I'm eye level at the smiling boy as my grin sharpened. "All I ask is some goddamn respect from you asshole. I'm not afraid to rip the sanity from your fucked up little head," I growled out the last part which earns me a whimper of pure fear from Jeff. I smile until Slender's hand strokes my back making me freeze. I crossed a line... a very very big line.

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