3. Stark? {P.P}

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"Dad is happy outside yet? I'm gonna be late for school?!" I yelled out to my dad. Being a Stark is pretty stressful. Yeah people might think all Stark's are tough and stuff but not me. I'm a different Stark, I'm more of a weak and sensitive Stark. "He'll be outside now I have to go because then I'm going to be late, I'll see you later" my dad (tony stark) says as he kisses my forehead.

*incoming call from Peter Parker ❤️🕷*
"Hey Pete what's going on?"
"Hey (y/n), uh- where are you? I've been waiting for almost an hour outside of school"
"I'm sorry spidey-boy you could go inside of class if you want. Just don't be late okay"
"No I'm gonna wait for you outside and you know I always go late to class"
"You need to change that habit of being late pete, you know it can effect your record"
"Oh it's fine"
"Go in class right now"
"Oh come on (y/n)"
"Peter Benjamin Parker go in class or I'm not going over to your house to study anymore"
"Fine I'll go inside but hurry, I miss you"
"We barely FaceTime like an hour ago"
"Yeah but I still miss you"
"Okay okay I'll be there as fast as I can, love you Pete"
"Okay, love you too bye"
*call ended*

Happy finally picked you up. "What took you so long?" I said. "Sorry kid I went to eat breakfast" happy said. "Oh? That's odd you never eat breakfast alon- oh my gosh you went on a date with someone!!" "N-no you're crazy k-kiddo" "no no no I'm not crazy. Oh come on happy we trust each other with our secrets"

"yeah but you haven't told the spider-boy yet right?" Happy asked. "No he still doesn't know I'm a Stark, he thinks I'm (y/n) Mendez" I said. "Are you planning to tell him?" "I mean when I'm ready not yet though" "that's a good choice" "hey hey hey let's not make this about me, this is about you having a girlfriend or someone" I said nudging him. "Let's just say her name is Trish and she's very nice"

"Happy and Trish sitting in a tree-" "you're too old for that and hurry up or you'll be late" happy said smiling. "I hope she always makes you smile like that" I said. "W-what I'm not smiling?" "Yeah you are, okay bye happy" "bye kiddo, I'll pick you up later" "okay bye" I said walking inside school.

********time skip********

I finally got home from school, ugh it was a tiring day. "Dad I'm home!!" I yelled out. Usually my dad says "okay sweetie" or "okay I'm in my lab" but today no response. "Dad?" I went outside and saw my dad outside. "Oh hey dad whatcha doing outside" "Oh hey sweetie, I'm just here training a new avenger" "Oh cool who is it?" I asked. "Hey Mr.stark, I gotta say you have a cool bathroom- (y/n)?" I heard a familiar voice behind me. When I turn around..

"Peter? What are you doing here?" I asked. "How do you two know each other exactly?" my dad asked. "W-we um- go to the same school" I say. "Oh well Peter could keep secrets right pete" my dad said. "W-what secret Mr.Stark?" "Oh well (y/n) here is my daughter but she uses the last name Mendez to hide her identity" Peter just looked at me in shock. "Yeah I'm a Stark..." I say nervously. "O-oh that's um-"

"What's wrong kid your alright?" "Yes um- it was nice training with you Mr.Stark but I really have to go" "but we're not done training" my dad says. "Yeah but I- i have homework" peter said looking at me. "I'll take you out" I say walking past him. "Y- you're a Stark?! and you never told me!!?" "Ssshhhh be quiet. I'm sorry I didn't tell you anything I was just nervous" "nervous for what? You know that I'm spider-man, I told you because I trust you... I guess you don't trust me?" Peter said.

I have a bad feeling about this conversation. "Peter calm down" I say putting my hand on his shoulder. "No (y/n) it isn't fair that you know my secrets but I don't get you know yours... and you can't trust me then- w-why even be together?" Peter snapped. "Peter I'm sorry I just- I felt like- like-" "like I was gonna tell everyone at school about your secret?.... you know I would never telling anyone anything"

"Look I'm sorry but please don't just leave Us like this...." I say letting a tear drop fall. "I'm sorry (y/n) but... I can't be with someone that doesn't trust me" peter says looking at the ground. "Peter please... l-let me fix this please... don't leave like this" "I'm sorry (y/n)... we're done" peter said looking at me very serious. Those words peter said made me drop to the floor and sob. Like I said I'm a weak Stark. Peter just left. Just like that.

But one day he'll regret leaving me just like that.....

A/n: so I feel like this imagine wasn't good. It literally made no sense but hey I'm trying my best. Anyways I'll try making more imagines, sorry for not really making any. School is in the way.
Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes.

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